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Master of Teaching (Primary) (MC-TEACHPR) // Course structure
About this course
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
Carmel Mesiti
Course structure
The Master of Teaching (Primary) requires the successful completion of 200 credit points.
Course Structure Overview
The Master of Teaching (Primary) requires completion of 15 compulsory subjects, which must be taken in the sequence outlined in the Standard mode, or the Extended mode. The compulsory subjects include:
- 11 x compulsory subjects;
- 3 x Engaging and Assessing Learners subjects (which incorporate 60 placement days in primary schools); and
- 1 x Professional Learning Capstone subject.
Specialised Pathways
Teacher Candidates complete two specialised pathways; Literacy and Mathematics, via the set of compulsory subjects in each discipline, which develops expertise in both these specific learning areas.
To meet the requirements of each specialised pathway, Teacher Candidates must pass all related discipline subjects.
Course Mode Options
The Master of Teaching (Primary) has different study modes, that are ‘Standard Mode’ and ‘Extended Mode’ similar to full time and part time modes:
To obtain the degree (Standard Mode) students must complete:
Year 1 subjects
- 50 credit points of Year 1 (the first semester of the program) subjects
- 50 credit points of Year 1 (the second semester of the program) subjects
Year 2 subjects
- 50 credit points of Year 2 (the third semester of the program) subjects
- 50 credit points of Year 2 (the fourth semester of the program) subjects
To obtain the degree (Extended Mode) students must complete:
Year 1 subjects
- 37.5 credit points of Year 1 (the first semester of the program) subjects
- 37.5 credit points of Year 1 (the second semester of the program) subjects
Year 2 subjects
- 37.5 credit points of Year 2 (the third semester of the program) subjects
- 37.5 credit points of Year 2 (the fourth semester of the program) subjects
Year 3 subjects
- 25 credit points of Year 3 (the fifth semester of the program) subjects
- 25 credit points of Year 3 (the sixth semester of the program) subjects
Course Mode Considerations
Teacher Candidates should carefully consider suitability of the Standard or Extended course mode options to their personal circumstances as well as the study load implications (e.g. on international student visa, or government support).
Once enrolled students who wish to change their study mode must first speak to their Course Coordinator, as changing modes can impact on placements, course progression, and may have visa implications for international students. Students should note the following points should they wish to request to change modes:
- Change from Standard to Extended mode – complete an Enrolment Assistance Form via the link below and notify your Course Coordinator and the Faculty Placements team.
- Change from Extended to Standard mode – must be discussed with your Course Coordinator (and is only permissible in exceptional circumstances).
- International students – should consult with the visa team and submit a Student Visa inquiry via the link below.
Student Advice and Help (includes Enrolment Assistance and Student Visa enquiry links)
Progression Rules
- The Australian Commonwealth Government’s Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE) is a compulsory test for Initial Teacher Education students administered by the Australian Council for Educational Research (independently of The University of Melbourne). In the case of Australian First Nations language speakers, recognition of Australian First Nations language proficiency by a relevant cultural authority or a formal qualification in an Australian First Nations language is an acceptable alternative standard.
The Faculty of Education requires each Teacher Candidate who is required to undertake the LANTITE to:
a) attempt the LANTITE before the end of the first calendar year of their enrolment in the Master of Teaching (Primary) to continue the course; and
b) pass the LANTITE prior to the end of the course to be eligible to graduate from the Master of Teaching (Primary).
- Teacher Candidates demonstrating the alternative standard through Australian First Nations proficiency or a formal qualification in an Australian First Nations language must provide this evidence to be eligible to graduate from the Master of Teaching (Primary).
- Failure to satisfactorily meet the LANTITE requirements or the Australian First Nations proficiency alternative standard will result in referral to the Faculty of Education Course Academic Progress Committee and may result in exclusion from the course until requirements are satisfactorily completed.
- An excluded Teacher Candidate may be granted an early exit award of a Graduate Diploma in Pedagogy* (if they have satisfactorily completed 100 credit points of the course).
- LANTITE Information
* Note that the Graduate Diploma in Pedagogy (Primary) is not a qualification for registration to teach in Australian schools.
Any Teacher Candidate who does not satisfactorily complete a subject, or meet the course progression rules, will be called to attend a Course Academic Progress Committee (CAPC) meeting after results have been certified for each subject. Teacher Candidates in these categories will be invited to make an oral and/or written submission to the Committee as per the requirements of the CAPC process.
Subject Options
See subject list and course mode structures listed under:
Majors, minors and specialisations
Last updated: 13 November 2024