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China Field Class PG (GEOG90007)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 25Not available in 2025
About this subject
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This subject consists of a two-week field class in China in July with some pre-departure (in semester 1) and post-field-trip (in semester 2) workshops/seminars in Melbourne. The subject is designed to develop students' interests in Asia, in China in particular, and in the interactions between society, economy, government, and the environment. While in China, students will interact with local communities, academics and environmental managers who will inform them about issues and processes in China. These interactions will be supplemented by site visits and household interviews. The field trip will be under the supervision of the subject coordinator. Students are responsible for the cost of travel, accommodation and food.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Have become familiar with environmental conditions in a society undergoing rapid economic and social change.
- Have acquired an understanding of methods of research and fieldwork in non-Western societies.
- Have designed and executed a group research project and poster.
- Have learnt to work effectively in groups.
Generic skills
- Field work skills
- Cross-cultural communication and research skills
- Research Project design
- Teamwork
Last updated: 8 November 2024