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Geochronology and Thermochronology (GEOL90028)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 6.25On Campus (Parkville)
Availability | May |
Fees | Look up fees |
The course covers the basic principles of Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Pb (conventional Pb-Pb, U-Pb, SHRIMP, LA-ICPMS, CHIME), Lu-Hf and Re-Os, as well as fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology. The application of these geochronology/thermochronology and isotopic tracing methods to a variety of geological problems will be presented. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to pracs (calculating ages, meaning of errors, plotting data e.g. isochrons, U-Pb plots, histograms using the computer package ISOPLOT and modelling thermal histories).
Intended learning outcomes
Completion of this subject will:
- Equip students with discipline-specific knowledge and expertise appropriate for post-graduate research in the field;
- Equip students with discipline-specific knowledge and expertise enabling them to take their place as professional geologists in industry or government organisations; and
- Provide students with the confidence and competence to employ geochemical and/or geochronological data to determine the relationships between magmatism, metamorphism, deformation and sedimentation.
Generic skills
Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Exercise critical judgement;
- Undertake rigorous and independent thinking;
- Adopt a problem-solving approach to new and unfamiliar tasks;
- Develop high-level written report and/or oral presentation skills;
- Interrogate, synthesise and interpret the published literature; and
- Work as part of a team.
Last updated: 8 November 2024