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Parliamentary Internship (POLS30001) // Assessment
Description | Timing | Percentage |
A research report
| During the examination period | 80% |
A reflective essay
| During the examination period | 20% |
Hurdle requirement: A progress report is due mid-semester. Students must attend all seminars in order to pass this subject. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject. Regular participation in seminars is required. | Throughout the teaching period | N/A |
Hurdle requirement: Late Penalty: Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at five per cent (5%) of the possible marks available for the assessment task per day or part thereof. Each submitted assessment must be complete, constitute a genuine attempt to address the requirements of the task and will not be accepted after 20 University business days from the original assessment due date without written approval. | N/A |
Last updated: 8 November 2024