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Informal specialisationYear: 2017
Contact information
Dr.Paul Green
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
The Honours program in Anthropology is an advanced course of study that allows students to focus on specific interests within the discipline, and requires a higher standard of performance than a pass degree. Students accepted into the program undertake an additional year of study, comprising fourth-year level subjects and a short research thesis. Students must achieve honours-level grades, minimum H3 (65%), for each component of assessment in order to qualify for the award.
The Anthropology Honours program is designed to augment students’ ability to apply innovative solutions to complex problems in Anthropology and related fields. It provides a strong foundation for the future direction of graduates, whether as a means of progressing into research higher degree at the Masters or PhD level, or improving the scope of employment options and professional advancement.
Through undertaking both coursework and a minor thesis, the Anthropology Honours program enhances students’ research and analytical skills and ability to develop original ideas. Students may specialise in the discipline of Anthropology (pure honours) or in two disciplines (combined honours) depending on specialisation.
The prerequisites for entry to the Anthropology Honours program are a completed major in Anthropology with an average of at least H2A (75%) or equivalent in second and third-year subjects within the major. Students must have satisfied the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts (or equivalent) within the last five years.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this Honours specialisation, students will have:
- acquired a detailed understanding of current theoretical issues in anthropology;
- acquired an understanding of the history and development of anthropology;
- developed skills necessary for original research in anthropology; and
- acquired the formal qualifications necessary to proceed to higher degree research.
Last updated: 31 January 2025