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Specialisation (formal)Year: 2017
You’re currently viewing the 2017 version of this component
The Master of Information Technology (MIT) Health Specialisation is a 200-point, 150-point and 100-point program for those interested in a career in technical IT.
The key aspects of the course are:
- Specialisation in key areas of Information Technology, namely Health: a focus on the use of IT to process health information for purposes including improved individual health, healthcare, public health and biomedical research, prevention of medical errors and reduced healthcare costs.
- Foundation studies in programming, algorithmics, databases and networking for students with minimal IT background, including exposure to the different areas of specialisation
- Formal studies in project and change management, including risk management, quality assurance and testing
- Optional 25-point industry placement with local IT organisations as part of the course (available on a competitive basis)
- A 25-point project, qualifying students to advance to a PhD.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this course students should have:
- Expertise in a key area of information technology
- Analytical skills and competencies in problem solving
- A sound fundamental understanding of the principles and methods of information technology
- Demonstrable competencies in the educational and professional standards of the professional institutions and boards with which the course is accredited
- A broad knowledge base of information technology so as to facilitate effective communication with those involved in the IT industry
- Have acquired the computational skills necessary to solve theoretical and practical problems for further professional development and for meeting future changes in IT
- Verbal and written communication skills that enable them to make a meaningful contribution to changing face of the IT industry
- Professional ethics and responsibility towards the IT profession and the broader community
Last updated: 30 January 2024