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Bachelor of Design (B-DES) // Course structure
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The Program Director for the Bachelor of Design is Associate Professor Alan March.
Course structure
Course Rules:
The Bachelor of Design requires the successful completion of 300 points comprising:
225 points of Bachelor of Design subjects including:
- At least 62.5 points at Level 1
- At least 62.5 points at Level 2
- At least 75 points at Level 3 (including 50 points of a prescribed Bachelor of Design major at Level 3)
- At least 50 points of breadth subjects including at least 12.5 points at Level 2 or Level 3
- 25 points of breadth and/or elective subjects at Level 1, 2 or 3
Breadth requirements
Bachelor of Design students must complete a minimum of 50 points (four subjects), and a maximum of 75 points (six subjects), of breadth subjects.
At least 12.5 points of breadth must be taken at Level 2 or 3, and no more than 37.5 points may be taken at Level 1.
For information on breadth subjects and for a complete listing, please see: http://breadth.unimelb.edu.au/breadth/info/index.html. The breadth options for Bachelor of Design students are restricted depending on the major that has been selected. Detailed information on these Non-allowed Breadth subjects is available.
Additional requirements:
- No more than 125 points at Level 1
- No more than 37.5 points of breadth at Level 1
- Progression - All students must complete an online plagiarism training module in their first year of enrolment in the Bachelor of Design before being allowed to progress to the second year of enrolment.
- Students must normally complete 50 points of study at one year level before proceeding to the next subject year level.
To view a sample course plan please visit : http://edsc.unimelb.edu.au/sample-course-plans.
Subject options
Major requirement
Students must complete at least one major. A major consists of 50 points of study at third year-level within a single discipline. A discipline is an area of knowledge, such as Architecture or Spatial Systems.
A maximum of two majors may be recognised. Double majors are only available in selected disciplines. Further information about double majors can be found at: http://edsc.unimelb.edu.au/sample-course-plans.
It is not possible to complete a major and a minor in the same discipline.
50 points at 3rd year-level with subjects through the major controlled through the use of prerequisite chains.The prerequisite sequence for majors begins in first year. Please refer to each major’s handbook entry for more details.
Minor/specialisation/elective requirements
- Specialisations consist of 25 points of study at third year level. First and second year-level prerequisite subjects may be required. Please check Handbook entries for individual specialisations.
- Specialisations are a short sequence of subjects that focus particular themes relevant across multiple disciplines. Subjects in specialisations do not form part of any existing major but are distinctive and are complementary to a student’s major. Completions of specialisations may support a research pathway, lead to accreditation with industry bodies or may increase employment opportunities. First and second year-level prerequisite subjects may be required. Please check Handbook entries for individual specialisations.
- Minors consist of 50 points of study at first, second, and/or third year (taken in any combination). Prerequisites may apply. Please check Handbook entries for individual minors.
- Minors are a shortened sequence of subjects taken from the range of existing majors in the degree. They provide a complementary course of study to a student’s major and, in some circumstances, may offer a pathway to a shortened 300 point Masters degree. First and second year-level prerequisite subjects may be required.
Elective: Electives are chosen from any subject offered within the Bachelor of Design. Prerequisites for some subjects will apply. Please check handbook entries for prerequisite requirements.
Breadth Options: Bachelor of Design students must complete a minimum of 50 points (four subjects), and a maximum of 75 points (six subjects), of breadth subjects.
At least 12.5 points of breadth must be taken at Level 2 or 3, and no more than 37.5 points may be taken at Level 1
Breadth Subjects Available for Bachelor of Design Students
- University Breadth Subjects.
- English as a Second Language Subjects
- Subjects offered in the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Environments, Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Science that are available as breadth and that contrast with your major (or intended major).
- Some subjects from within the majors in the Bachelor of Design may be available as breadth, depending on which major you are intending to take.
Note: For not allowed breadth subjects in Bachelor of Design click here
Breadth requirements
Find breadth subjects
Use the Handbook Search function to find subjects that can be used as breadth studies in the Bachelor of Design
Last updated: 17 February 2025