Master of Veterinary Studies (MC-VETSTDR) // Notes
About this course
Prospective students:
Currently enrolled students:
Professor Ted Whittem
The evaluation period for progression in the Master of Veterinary Studies is one year for part time-candidates.
A candidate may progress to each subsequent evaluation period upon successful completion of all components of each subject.
1. Hurdle components
Candidates whose attendance falls below the hurdle requirement will be counselled by their supervisor. If after counselling the candidate fails to remedy the attendance deficit within one evaluation period the candidate may be terminated.
2. Assessed components
Candidates will have failed a subject, either Principles of Medicine and Surgery (PMS) or Advanced Clinical Skills (ACS) if he or she achieves in any one evaluation period an average mark for all assessed components of the subject of less than 50%
3. Repeating an evaluation period
Candidates will not be permitted to repeat a semester (full time) or year (part time).
4. Unsatisfactory Progress and Termination of Enrolment
Candidates whose progress in the course is not satisfactory may have their candidature terminated in accordance with the Academic Progress Review Policy (MPF1291).
A candidate will have made unsatisfactory progress if he or she:
a. fails to meet the hurdle requirements in any two evaluation periods;
b. fails to submit the Major Work for (ACS) prior to the end of the appropriate ACS unit;
c. fails any subject;
d. falls below a 70% average across assessed components of the subjects PMS and ACS in each evaluation period.
5. The Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee
The Residency Training Committee will report unsatisfactory student progress to the Master of Veterinary Studies Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee in accordance with University Policy.
The Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee will convene after the examination period to review the progress of any student who has made unsatisfactory progress. Students in this category will be invited to make an oral and/or written submission to the Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee.
The Course Unsatisfactory Progress Committee is authorised to make decisions on behalf of the Faculty with regard to the progress of individual students, including termination of enrolment, and to vary the Standing Rules for an individual student if it deems that progression of a student can be facilitated without adversely affecting academic standards.
Last updated: 18 December 2020