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Animal Systems (DASC10003)
Undergraduate level 1Points: 12.5On Campus (Dookie)
Availability | Semester 2 |
Fees | Look up fees |
This subject provides students with a sound knowledge base for decision making in relation to the management of health, nutrition and breeding programs of animals. Students will be introduced to integrated animal systems and the inter-relation of nutrition, health, genotype and environment, general anatomical organization and physiological function of animals, major body systems and their functions with emphasis on the digestive and reproductive systems; nutritional requirements of animals for maintenance and production, stages of growth and development from conception to maturity; reproductive management of animals for optimum fertility, new technology in animal breeding; the nature of animal diseases, immunity and its development; common causes of disease in animals, and animal behaviour, genetic and environmental influences, welfare issues affecting the production and management of animals. The subject will cover both extensively and intensively farmed species.
Intended learning outcomes
This subject introduces student to knowledge in:
- Animal products: factors influencing quality of meat, wool, dairy products
- Nutritional requirements of farm animals for maintenance and production stages of livestock growth and development from conception to maturity, matching feeds to animal requirements, ration formulation, intensive feeding systems
- Reproduction: enhancement of fertility and challenges to fertility in modern production systems
- Animal improvement: economically important traits and their inheritance, breeding programs; genetic modification in animal production
- Common causes of disease and planning health programs
- Animal behaviour, genetic and environmental influences, welfare issues
- The chain of production from on-farm to consumer
- The major extensive animal production systems in Australia:beef cattle and sheep, and dairy cattle
- The major extensive animal production systems in Australia:pigs and poulty, including free range and conventional farming systems
- Basic techniques in handing and working with animals
Generic skills
This subject encompasses particular generic skills so that on completion of the subject students should have developed skills relating to:
- The use of electronic forms of communication
- Greater in-depth understanding of scientific disciplines and the practical and ethical aspects of working in the nutrition industry
- The student's flexibility and level of transferable skills should be enhanced through improved time management
- Working collaboratively with other students
- Enhanced ability to communicate their ideas effectively in both written and verbal formats
- Accessing information from the library via both electronic and traditional means
- Problem solving and critical thinking
Last updated: 3 November 2022