Fieldwork in Complex and Hostile Places (DEVT90042)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 25On Campus (Parkville)
About this subject
Contact information
Coordinator: Dr. Scott Flower
Program Officer: Dina Uzhegova
Coordinator: Dr. Scott Flower
Program Officer: Dina Uzhegova
Availability(Quotas apply) | May August |
Fees | Look up fees |
Fieldwork is demanding and poses unique risks to the security and safety of the researcher and research participants. Fieldwork also relies on the researcher’s ability to clearly understand their research design and methods and access, collect and manage data in the field. This 10 day intensive subject prepares students for undertaking detailed fieldwork for extended periods overseas in less secure and/or complex environments. Students will develop a working knowledge of what is required to develop an integrated Research Plan, Ethics Application and Fieldwork Risk Management Plan as required for postgraduate research theses. Designed to deliver theoretical and practical skills, the subject is taught by a combination of academics and professional security consultants.
Dr Flower teaches the academic components of research methods for fieldwork subject over 7 days (i.e. mixed methods design, data collection and management, ethics for vulnerable participants and principles of risk management and travel security).
For three days, Red R Australia will deliver the practical field training component at the Dookie campus. Red R is recognised as an accredited training provider by four United Nations bodies and Australian Government agencies (AusAID, DFAT). Red R trainers are experienced humanitarian workers and ex-military personnel.
The subject builds upon the introductory level of knowledge students learned in undergraduate and honours level research methods subjects, and focuses on applied research methods.
Learning applied research methods and field-craft skills will enhance student’s ability to make original contributions to knowledge. The subject equips students with a working appreciation for the major methodological, ethical and logistical challenges they are likely to confront during fieldwork. The subject is structured to be of relevance to students in social science and humanities based disciplines, and to provide skills relevant for careers in International Development, NGOs and Government agencies.
The following elements are covered in the practical training:
- Security Context
- Field Preparedness and Evacuation
- Residence Assessment Exercise
- Basics of Negotiation
- Coping with Insecure Environments: Stress Awareness
- Field Communication Equipment and Communication Protocol
- First Aid: Essentials for life support (EAR/CPR, major bleeding control & evacuation/repatriation)
- Image and Acceptance
- Vehicle Check Points/Road Blocks
- Field Security (Crowds and Mobs, Hostage Survival, Vehicle Check Points/Road Blocks, Sexual Assault, Weapons Awareness)
The practical component enables students to apply their new knowledge regarding equipment, organisation, physical and mental states, risk management and contingency planning. (i.e. what to do on arrival in-country, how to fine-tune plans, flexible organisation, importance of travelling light for mobility).
Practical skills taught through experiential scenarios include but are not limited to:
- Patterns of behaviour and predictability
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder self-assessment procedure
- How to not be a target (e.g. how and why a researcher is seen)
- What to do regarding the presence of small arms (i.e. what indicators to understand regarding their use and when under fire or in the vicinity of fire how to take cover)
- How to avoid and/or cope with threats of physical violence and physical violence
This subject is offered as an elective for MC-IR Master of International Relations, 097AB Master of Development Studies. Students enrolled in other courses will need to obtain written coordinator approval to enrol in the subject. DEVT90042 is also offered as a Community Access Program (CAP) subject.
Intended learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students are expected to:
- have an acceptable draft Research Plan, Ethics Application and Risk Management Plan completed and ready for submission;
- understand the University of Melbourne’s Risk Management, Security and Travel Guidelines;
- understand the range of ethical issues involved with fieldwork oriented research, including knowledge of how to approach and complete a Human Research Ethics Committee application;
- understand the process of planning and conducting extended fieldwork research;
- be able to understand and select specific research methods and analytical tools to undertake applied research in complex and hostile environments;
- have a Basic Security in the Field (BSITF II) qualification from the United Nations (UN). Holding a BSITF II qualification is a pre-requisite for employment with the UN;
- be able to demonstrate through assessment and practical scenarios their awareness of the key security challenges and issues confronting researchers in the field;
- have an advanced understanding of complex environments and be able to manage risks whilst undertaking effective research;
- have an improved ability to make plans and decisions regarding fieldwork as a component of an overarching research strategy.
Generic skills
Upon successful completion of this subject, students are expected to:
- have an understanding of the advantages, disadvantages and dangers of using different research methods in different ways;
- Have acquired awareness of issues relating to cross-cultural communication;
- be able to synthesise theory with practice and apply knowledge to real life scenarios;
- acquire effective writing skills;
- An introductory level of knowledge of quantitative and/or qualitative research methods.
Last updated: 10 February 2024