Educational Leadership (EC & Prim) (EDUC90896)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 6.25Not available in 2017
About this subject
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This subject explores the role of the Educational Leader in early childhood and primary settings and the impact of effective leadership on outcomes for learners. Participants will investigate their own leadership vision and style, and develop an understanding of change management theory, professional collaboration, advocacy, and models to support them in the field. This subject will introduce the professional standards documents, the ACECQA, National Quality Standards and the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers. This subject will give participants the opportunity to engage with contemporary educational debates and to develop their vision as leaders in the early childhood and primary sector. Topics will include leadership and management in early childhood education and care services; pedagogical leadership; creating a leadership vision; quality improvement; professional identity and development; including identifying professional learning needs; effective collaboration and engagement with parents, carers, colleagues & other key stakeholders; teamwork, seeking feedback from supervisors & colleagues team-building and change management; report writing responsibilities; and leadership as activism and advocacy.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject teacher candidates should be able to:
Graduate Standards refers to the Graduate-level Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
- Demonstrate effective leadership and management in educational settings (Graduate Standards 4.4, 7.2)
- Understand the role of pedagogical leadership, the importance of seeking feedback from supervisors and colleagues to improve teaching practice, and the impact of effective leadership on outcomes for learners and their families (Graduate Standards 6.3, 6.4, 3.6)
- Demonstrate a capacity to apply leadership and change management theory and models to practice (Graduate Standard 7.1)
- Develop a capacity for collaboration with all stakeholders, including collaborative partnerships with professionals, parents, carers, families and learners (Graduate Standards 7.4, 7.3, 3.7)
- Understand the requirements for giving advice, report writing and documentation in early childhood and primary sectors (Graduate Standard 7.2)
- Be an advocate for children’s rights in diverse educational contexts (Graduate Standard 7.4)
- Evaluate teaching programs to improve learning and to determine the effectiveness of strategies and resources, including identifying professional learning needs (Graduate Standards 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 5.1, 6.1)
- Critically reflect on research into how students learn and understand the concepts, substance, structure and implications for effective teaching practice, including the creation of effective learning environments (Graduate Standards 1.2, 1.5, 2.1, 3.2, 3.6)
Generic skills
This subject will develop the following set of key transferable skills:
- Clinical reasoning and thinking
- Problem solving
- Evidence based decision making
- Creativity and innovation
- Teamwork and professional collaboration
- Learning to learn and metacognition
- Responsiveness to a changing knowledge base
- Reflection for continuous improvement
- Linking theory and practice
- Inquiry and research
- Active and participatory citizenship.
Last updated: 10 February 2024