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Studio Studies 3 (FINA20027) // Assessment
About this subject
Contact information
Semester 1
Phone: 13 MELB (13 6352)
Email: 13MELB@unimelb.edu.au
Additional details
Assessment is based on a substantial folio of work demonstrating the range of a student’s activities during the semester, including any group of finished works, support work, drawings, journals/sketchbooks etc. and other works/material in any media the student chooses to submit (100%). For more detailed assessment information refer to your program’s subject handouts.
Ongoing feedback is provided to students via individual and group tutorials. The mid-semester review takes into account the student’s progress against the following criteria:
• Course engagement
• Work development
• Studio use
Formal feedback is given to students who are deemed to be at risk. Academic staff write progress reports during the semester that students sight and sign. A single mark is assigned at the end of the semester.
Last updated: 3 November 2022