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Health Behaviour Change (HLTH90001)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Online
Availability | Term 1 - Online |
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This wholly online subject will introduce students to the key theories underlying contemporary approaches to health promotion and health behaviour change in individuals across the health-illness spectrum and at the population level. The subject will enable students to develop skills in the design and evaluation of health behaviour change interventions that are evidence informed and tailored to clinical practice contexts across the lifespan.
The subject is divided into modules to allow flexibility for students to choose areas of health promotion or health behaviour change that best match their disciplinary interests or work context. Similarly, students will be given options for assessment that include the development of multidisciplinary or single discipline rehabilitation that can be used in a clinical context.
All students will complete four modules within this subject.
A Foundational Module will be completed by all students and introduces the key theoretical models underpinning health behaviour change interventions focussed on the promotion of individual or population health. Students will develop an understanding of the integration of these theories into commonly used health behaviour change interventions at a population level and within defined rehabilitation contexts.
Students will then choose two from four modules that best meets their learning interests and/or practice or discipline interests. These modules are:
1. Evidence Based Practice
Students selecting this module will develop the skills to critically review and synthesise the literature supporting health behaviour change interventions in a health condition of their choice. Students will develop a concise summary of the existing evidence, critically evaluate the quality of evidence to support the chosen intervention, and interpret the clinical application of this technique.
2. Integration of Health Behaviour Change in Rehabilitation settings: This module will extend students’ exploration of the application of health behaviour change programs or principles within subacute and community based rehabilitation contexts. Students will explore and consider how interdisciplinary teams can integrate and apply these principles to support client health and adherence to evidence-based treatment recommendations.
3. Motivational Interviewing Skills: This module will develop an understanding of best practice in motivational interviewing. It will allow students to develop and practice skills in the application of motivational interviewing as a method of supporting health behaviour change in clients with health conditions relevant to the students’ interests.
4. Public Health Promotion Interventions
This module will more deeply examine foundational theory focussing on the frameworks, policy and process that influence public health behaviour. Students will identify and analyse a public health promotion program or activity of their choice, relevant to their discipline and employment context.
The final Integration module will be completed by all students and addresses the integration and application of evidence informed rehabilitation practice to specific practice contexts. This module provides students with an opportunity to extend and demonstrate application of skills in developing and justifying an evidence-informed health behaviour change intervention for an individual or group.
Intended learning outcomes
The curriculum is designed around three elements which provide both horizontal and vertical integration throughout the program. These elements are: rehabilitation theory and practice, evidence and innovation and clinical practice in context.
Rehabilitation Theory and Practice;
1. Demonstrate understanding of key theoretical models of behaviour change in the context of health and chronic disease and disability
2. To explore and analyse the application of health behaviour change interventions within current rehabilitation models of care for individuals with acquired disability
3. To identify and interpret current local and global policy and guidelines related to health promotion programs that incorporate health behaviour change
Evidence and Innovation
4. Identify, synthesise and critically appraise current evidence evaluating health behaviour change interventions
5. Select and justify appropriate outcome measures to evaluate the efficacy of health behaviour change interventions for selected cases across a range of health conditions
Clinical Practice in Context
6. Design and justify a health behaviour change intervention that is evidence-based, culturally sensitive, and can meet the needs of a defined individual or group;
7. Apply theoretical frameworks to analyse and critically review a population level health behaviour or health promotion program
Generic skills
On completion of this subject, students will have had the opportunity to develop the skills associated with:
- Reflecting on their personal skills, values, biases and limitations and identifying their learning opportunities to build on their knowledge and skills to promote best practice
- Examining issues with multiple disciplinary perspectives
- Working effectively both independently and in groups
- Demonstrating a commitment to civic service in graduates' lives and careers, equipping them to be active, well-informed citizens who make substantial contributions to society
Last updated: 3 November 2022