Advanced Clinical Skills 3 Part A (VETS90050) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2017 version of this subject
About this subject
Contact information
Sebastien Bauquier:
Thierry Beths:
Additional details
This assessment is a combined total assessment for both VETS90050 Advanced Clinical Skills 3 Part A and VETS90051 Advanced Clinical Skills 3 Part B.
Dependent upon discipline
For students undertaking a residency within the Veterinary Hospital:
Satisfactory completion of clinical work (45%)
- Continual assessment by supervisors on a case-by-case basis, providing written feedback twice in each semester.
Written Assignment (45%)
- A major written assignment per year prepared as a paper ready for submission to a peer reviewed journal, e.g. as a clinical research report, case report, case series (prospective or retrospective), topic update, etc, or agreed alternative. The report should be prepared according to the guidelines of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine or agreed alternative. The length of the written assignment is likely to vary according to journal guidelines. There is an expectation that the article will be published as part of preparations for the student's specialty board qualification.
Oral Presentation (10%)
- Hospital residents must complete an oral presentation within the Veterinary Teaching Hospital with clinical faculty present that can be assessed as part of the Advanced Clinical Skills subject.
Hurdle requirement:
- Minimum of 80% attendance at clinical training sessions (e.g. clinical placements, ward rounds, unit meetings and outpatient clinics, clinical consultancies).
For students undertaking a Dairy or Mackinnon Residency program:
Satisfactory completion of clinical work (20%)
- Continual assessment by supervisors on a case-by-case basis, providing written feedback twice in each semester.
Written Assignment (60%)
- Three written reports (maximum 500 words each) per semester (6 reports per year worth 25%)
- Plus one of (one per year worth 35%):
- an examinable online module in Veterinary Public Health
- an examinable module in veterinary leadership/management or
- a written assignment, maximum 3000 words
Oral Presentation (20%)
- Three oral presentations (up to 60 minutes each) per year.
Hurdle requirement:
- Minimum of 80% attendance.
Last updated: 3 November 2022