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Spanish and Latin American Studies
Informal specialisationYear: 2018
Spanish and Latin American Studies
Contact information
Dr Mara Favoretto
Email: mara.f@unimelb.edu.au
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
The minimum entry requirement for Spanish and Latin American Studies honours is completion of all the requirements for the BA, with a major in Spanish / Spanish and Latin American Studies and an average of at least H2B (70%) in second and third-year subjects within the major, or equivalent.
The honours program in Spanish and Latin American Studies comprises advanced coursework and an individual research project designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in one specific field of Hispanic Studies (such as Hispanic literary studies or Hispanic cultural studies). After successfully completing the program, students will have gained considerable practical skills such as research skills, report writing, presentation and communication skills, language skills and international and cultural awareness.
Intended learning outcomes
See course objectives
Last updated: 31 January 2025