Bachelor of Science (Degree with Honours)Informal specialisationYear: 2018
Contact information
Dr Hayden Eastwood
Dr Hayden Eastwood
Administrative Coordinator:
Ms Nora Hanafi
Currently enrolled students:
The Honours program in the Department of Otolaryngology offers an advanced level of study designed to allow students to specialise their knowledge in hearing sciences, and provides students with the skills required to carry out research related to the function of the auditory system, development of neural prostheses and/or the clinical treatment of hearing loss. In achieving this objective, students will develop abilities to critically analyse research literature, formulate research plans based on hypotheses and statistical requirements, present and defend research results and write a coherent research report. This one-year program provides a foundation for graduates wishing to pursue studies at the Masters or PhD levels, as well as those wishing to seek employment in a research environment. The course year starts in February and ends in November and is only available full time.
Intended learning outcomes
The Honours program provides students with an introduction to the function of the auditory system and issues related to the treatment of hearing loss, and experience working in a research environment. On completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
i) critically appraise scientific literature
ii) demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of their selected field of research
iii) display proficiency in various methodological techniques
iv) analyse and interpret research outcomes within the context of the scientific literature
v) effectively communicate scientific ideas in both written and verbal formats
Last updated: 4 March 2025