Specialist Certificate in Blood Management Foundations (SC-BLOODMF)
Specialist CertificateYear: 2018 Delivered: Online
About this course
Melbourne School of Professional and Continuing Education
Future Students: https://study.unimelb.edu.au/find/courses/graduate/specialist-certificate-in-blood-management-foundations/
Current Students: tl-transfusion@unimelb.edu.au
Ms Cathie Pigott
Award title | Specialist Certificate in Blood Management Foundations |
Year & campus | 2018 — Parkville |
Fees information | Subject EFTSL, level, discipline and census date |
Study level & type | Graduate Coursework |
AQF level | Non-AQF |
Credit points | 25 credit points |
Duration | 6 months part-time |
The Specialist Certificate will serve as foundation training for students who work in areas where blood or blood products are transfused. It will introduce the student to the important foundation concepts of patient blood management & the National Healthcare Standards relating to blood. The Specialist Certificate will provide the student with specific skills/information they require to participate in the accreditation process for blood and blood products.
It will also serve as a pathway into the existing Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice which is designed to give further training on the more advanced concepts of blood management.
Links to further information
Last updated: 18 December 2020