Building Information Modeling (CVEN90062) // Assessment
Additional details
Assignment 1, 1000 word report on the role of BIM in AEC (20-25 hours); group submission involving 20-25 hours work; associated with Intended Learning Outcome (ILO) 1; due Week 3 (10%)
Assignment 2, 1500 word report and a BIM file on Designing and Communicating a Building using BIM; group submission involving 30-35 hours work; associated with ILOs 2 and 3; due mid-semester (20%)
Assignment 3, 1000 word report on peer review of Assignment 3 in Week 8; individual submission involving 20-25 hours work; associated with ILOs 2 and 3; due mid to late-semester (10%)
Assignment 4, 2000 word report and a BIM file on designing and analysing an infrastructure using BIM; involving 40-45 hours work; associated with ILO 4; due Week 11 (30%)
2 hour examination; associated with ILOs 1 to 4; held in the examination period at the end of semester (30%)
Last updated: 3 November 2022