Advanced Surveying and Mapping (GEOM90039) // Assessment
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Summer Term
Professor Stephan Winter
Additional details
1. Three practical exercises (due on the first day of the on-campus component) that review fundamental literature and computing procedures in high precision surveying including
- Exercise 1: GNSS data processing (5%)
- Exercise 2: Network Adjustment (5%)
- Exercise 3: Journal paper review (5%)
The submission for each practical exercise is a report (equivalent of 1000 words). Requires participation in two webinar sessions of 3 hours each. Requires approximately 10 hours of work. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1 to 5 are addressed in this assessment
2. Two practical exercises (due across the first week of the subject) that review fundamental field procedures in high precision surveying including
- Practical 1: RTK vs levelling (5%)
- Practical 2: GNSS network processing (5%)
The submission for each practical exercise is a report (equivalent of 1000 words), that documents the methodology, results and analysis. Requires approximately 5 hours of work. ILOs 1 to 5 are addressed in this assessment
3. Preparation of tender documentation and client interaction. The submission consists of a report and presentation (equivalent to 1500 words) describing their proposed design and methodology to achieve the specification for the survey job they have been allocated (equivalent to 1500 words). Due in the first week of the subject. Requires approximately 15 hours of work (25%). ILOs 1 to 5 are addressed in this assessment
4. A scientific paper summarising the results of the field work and data processing, which assesses the technical merits of their chosen methodology based on the results achieved against the performance criteria required by the job - no more than 10 pages. Requires approximately 35 hours of work (50%). ILOs 1 to 6 are addressed in this assessment
Hurdle Requirement: It is a hurdle requirement of this subject that students achieve a mark of 50% or higher for all assessable components.
Last updated: 3 November 2022