U21 Certificate in Global Issues (777CC) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
U21 International Programs Coordinator
Melbourne Global Mobility
Room 120, Level 1, Old Geology Building
Email: u21-gip@unimelb.edu.au
Dr Parshia Lee-Stecum
Intended learning outcomes
The U21 Certificate in Global Issues has as its objectives that graduates should gain:
- knowledge of the current theoretical principles relating to globalisation and how these are understood by students from universities around the globe;
- an ability to evaluate and synthesise the literature relating to globalisation, and its relationship to environmental, economic, political and social change;
- an understanding of the interconnectedness between individuals, societies, and countries by encouraging students to consider the cultural, environmental, economic and political dimensions of globalisation;
- a capacity to work with others located around the globe in identifying and grappling with significant global issues; and
- a set of skills related to learning in an on-line, interactive environment.
Generic skills
Graduates of the U21 Certificate in Global Issues should develop the following generic skills:
• Skills and techniques in solving problems and an ability to communicate these techniques in verbal and written form in cross-cultural context;
• A sensitivity to the impact of globalisation on the world from a variety of theoretical, individual and international perspectives;
• A sound attitude towards undertaking life-long learning in this field;
• A well-developed capacity to understand and participate as an individual and in collaborative, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams, as a leader or as a team member;
• Working skills in the use of simulations, interactive material and technologies designed to enhance collaborative and team work;
• An understanding of students’ own choices and responsibilities within their political, social, cultural and professional contexts; and
• An ability to participate as active global citizens.
Graduate attributes
See above.
Last updated: 12 November 2024