Life Drawing: The Body (FINA10036)
Undergraduate level 1Points: 12.5On Campus (Southbank)
About this subject
Contact information
Semester 1
For all administrative enquiries, e.g. enrolment (including quota), class registration, special consideration enquiries:
For all academic enquiries, e.g. assessment, attendance or subject matter enquiries:
Celeste Chandler
Availability(Quotas apply) | Semester 1 |
Fees | Look up fees |
This Breadth subject uses life drawing to explore the human body as a subject. It will explore how we visually perceive the human body, how we think about the body and how we theorise the body within art practice.
Within the practical studio classes students will be introduced to drawing through the foundational skills of observation and drawing techniques. These skills will be developed and extended so that students are able to explore and visually articulate their observations of the human body with increasing sophistication and complexity.
Lectures will introduce the history of the human body in art, focusing on the particular role that drawing the human body has played from pre-history to the present day. This will enable students to contextualise their own drawing practice, extending their conceptual understandings of the body and drawing, and assisting towards essay preparation.
At the completion of “Life Drawing: The Body” students should have a foundational understanding of drawing practice with knowledge and skills enabling them to visually communicate the human body as a subject.
Though this subject is designed for students who have little or no previous art making experience, it will also suit students who have previously undertaken a visual art Breadth subject or similar.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of, and productively apply, the knowledge and skills required to effectively represent the figure from direct observation of life models, and through further studio-based experimentation;
- demonstrate an applied effort and positive development in the skills required to effectively represent the figure (drawings to be dated so that development can be observed in the final folio);
- explore, articulate and critically analyse (during class, in the visual diary and in writing) the ways in which the human body has existed in both historic and contemporary art, and how artistic production and drawing can be used to examine the body in various contexts.
Generic skills
On completing this subject students will be able to:
- display an awareness of the graphic possibilities of a variety of concepts, materials and practices;
- exhibit evidence of skill development both pictorially and technically as a means of independent image making;
- indicate evidence of individual research in the relevant area of practice;
- demonstrate capacities for artistic imagination, creativity, transformation and interpretation;
- demonstrate practical skills in respect of critical analysis, problem solving;
- demonstrate an open, independent and inquiring attitude towards contemporary cultural developments and new ideas.
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Eligibility and requirements
Non-allowed subjects
Inherent requirements (core participation requirements)
The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326). Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements for their course. These can be viewed under Entry and Participation Requirements for the course outlines in the Handbook.
Further details on how to seek academic adjustments can be found on the Student Equity and Disability Support website:
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Additional details
Folio: a comprehensive folio that includes completed work made for set exercises/projects, perceptually-based drawings, experimentation and related materials, that demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding, development and application of the knowledge, skills and conceptual areas addressed in the subject; during examination period (75%)
Written Component: 1000 word essay; due week 9 to 11 (25%)
Ongoing feedback is provided to students through the subject’s duration via individual and group discussion. Additionally, a progress review will take place midway through the course, taking into account the following criteria: course engagement; work development; week 6 to 8.
Hurdle Requirement: Students must attend at least 80% of all scheduled classes for the folio and essay to be accepted for assessment purposes.
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Quotas apply to this subject
Dates & times
- Semester 1
Principal coordinator Celeste Chandler Mode of delivery On Campus (Southbank) Contact hours 3 Hours per week Total time commitment 136 hours Teaching period 4 March 2019 to 2 June 2019 Last self-enrol date 15 March 2019 Census date 31 March 2019 Last date to withdraw without fail 10 May 2019 Assessment period ends 28 June 2019 Semester 1 contact information
For all administrative enquiries, e.g. enrolment (including quota), class registration, special consideration enquiries:
For all academic enquiries, e.g. assessment, attendance or subject matter enquiries:
Celeste Chandler
Time commitment details
136 (including 36 contact hours and 100 non-contact hours)
Additional delivery details
This subject has a quota of 126 students. Selection is automated and based on the order in which students enrol. Your enrolment in this subject guarantees a space unless you withdraw. Once the subject quota has been reached, all enrolled students will be contacted.
If the subject is full, spaces may become available in the future as others withdraw. The only way to check this is by attempting to enrol. Please note that there are no waiting lists for this subject.
As entry into this subject is based only on the order in which students enrol, special permission will not be offered to any students.
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Further information
- Texts
- Related Handbook entries
This subject contributes to the following:
- Breadth options
This subject is available as breadth in the following courses:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Biomedicine
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Science
- Links to additional information
- Available through the Community Access Program
About the Community Access Program (CAP)
This subject is available through the Community Access Program (also called Single Subject Studies) which allows you to enrol in single subjects offered by the University of Melbourne, without the commitment required to complete a whole degree.
Please note Single Subject Studies via Community Access Program is not available to student visa holders or applicants
Entry requirements including prerequisites may apply. Please refer to the CAP applications page for further information.
- Available to Study Abroad and/or Study Exchange Students
Last updated: 14 March 2025