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The Music Producer: From Brass to Beats (MUSI30236) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2019 version of this subject
Additional details
- Completion of a music production comparative analysis of two stylistic contrasting recordings, existing recordings or apply music production concepts presented through the semester to one of your own original recordings and discuss in detail processes used (equivalent to 2,000 words), due end of semester (50%)
- Completion of a music production critical evaluation of four stylistically contrasting commercial released recordings (equivalent to 1,000 words), due in week 6 (20%)
- The Music Producer logbook: Completion of a Music Producer logbook that documents observation, practice and individual tasks completed throughout the semester (1500 word equivalent), due in the exam period (50%)
Hurdle requirement:
- Students must attend 80% of all scheduled classes and attempt all elements of assessment to be eligible for a pass in this subject
Late submission:
- Unless an extension has been granted, for essays/assignments submitted after the due date, the mark a student is awarded for their work will be reduced by 10% for each day the work is late. Using electronic submission means work may be submitted on any day.
- Unless an extension has been granted, assignments submitted later than 5 working days (or 1 week if due on a weekend) after the due date will not be marked, and will receive no marks.
Last updated: 14 March 2025