Spanish 4 (SPAN10004) // Assessment
You’re currently viewing the 2019 version of this subject
Additional details
- Tarea 1 (250 words) due in week 5 [7.5%]
- Tarea 2 (250 words) due in week 9 [7.5%]
- Tarea 3 (250 words) due in week 13 [7.5%]
- Argumentative composition (750 words) due in weeks 8 and 12 (This consists of two versions of the same work, the second being the revised version of the first assignment after feedback. Each of these pieces is to be submitted twice via Turnitin). [20%]
- Discussion Board (250 words) every Monday (a minimum of one 30-word contribution per week on LMS. Language is not assessed) [5%]
- Oral Test (750 words) due in week 10 (Role-play and conversation - details on LMS) [17.5%]
- Final exam (1500 words) during the examination period [35%]
Hurdle requirement: Students must attend a minimum of 75% of tutorials in order to pass this subject. All pieces of work must be submitted to pass this subject.
Note: Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per day. In-class tasks missed without approval will not be marked.
Last updated: 14 March 2025