Spanish 5 (SPAN30014)
Undergraduate level 3Points: 12.5On Campus (Parkville)
Availability | Semester 1 |
Fees | Look up fees |
In this subject, students will continue to develop their linguistic and cultural competence in Spanish. They will also advance their skills in textual analysis, with a special focus on the long tradition of testimonial texts (testimonios), both in recent Spanish and Latin American history. Through the study of first-person narratives, students will learn how to create and use authentic Spanish and Latin American cultural materials. This will allow them to produce and defend their own first-person testimonies in the shape of both formal (class presentation of personal experiences) and informal contexts (personal blogs, etc.). Through these activities students will gain an appreciation of the cultural and historical realities that have shaped the Spanish and Latin American modern and contemporary world. They will develop an understanding of the principles of first person testimonies, and will learn how to present and articulate their own ideas, both in oral and written forms. In addition, students will become confident in the use of vocabulary, sentence and text structures utilised in different contexts (formal and informal), as presented in diaries and journal articles, short and long narratives, and visual texts.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should:
- be able to interpret and self-reflect on researching academic and everyday communication across the linguocultural genres and more specifically the Testimony genre in the target language relative to the entry level;
- understand and self-reflect on the use of Spanish in real-life situations and learn the specific fluency of linguo-cultural genres produced in the Spanish and Latin American economic, intellectual, cultural and social context with a particular emphasis on the Testimony;
- have learnt and self-reflected on researching and appreciate through the linguo-cultural genre of the Testimony the historical, cultural and anthropological differences within the Spanish-speaking communities from Spain and Latin-America;
- have learnt critical theory to self-reflect on researching in the target language in order to link Spanish and Latin American popular and academic language and culture through the Testimony genre;
- be able to appreciate, self-reflect on researching and respect diversity and background difference by critically evaluating the linguo-cultural genre of Testimony as present in Spanish-speaking cultures including the viewpoint of the target culture;
- be able to self-reflect on the research about articulating intellectually sophisticated conversations with both native and non-native speakers in the target language about relevant historical and cultural topics in Testimonios in Spain and Latin American as a bicultural and bilingual person;
- understand and self-reflect on the research of linguo-cultural genre acquisition process with a specific focus on Testimonios both in English and Spanish showing autonomous, self-directed and academic-level skills;
- be able to confidently self-reflect on the researching of intellectually sophisticated conversations with both native and non-native speakers in the target language about the evolution of language and culture as present in Testimonios and relate Spanish and Latin American communities to contemporary Spanish Speaking Australia and the Eastern Pacific Rim.
Generic skills
At the completion of this subject, students should:
- have developed research skills: through frequent use of the library and other information sources;
- have developed critical thinking and analysis: through selected required and recommended reading, essay writing and tutorial discussion, and by assessing the strength of arguments;
- have undertaken critical reading of fictional and historical texts: through in-class group reading and understanding of the internal logic of testimonial texts;
- have developed logical analysis strategies: through essay, linguistic and cultural practice exercises and assignment writing;
- be able to present and defend critical ideas: through guided class presentations and class participation;
- be familiar with Information Literacy skills: through analysis and interpretation of short texts;
- have an understanding of social, political, historical and cultural contexts and international awareness/openness to the world: through the contextualisation of judgements and knowledge.
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Eligibility and requirements
Code | Name | Teaching period | Credit Points |
SPAN10004 | Spanish 4 | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
SPAN20003 | Spanish 4 | Semester 2 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Non-allowed subjects
Code | Name | Teaching period | Credit Points |
SPAN10007 | Spanish 5 | Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
SPAN20018 | Spanish 5 | Semester 1 (On Campus - Parkville) |
12.5 |
Inherent requirements (core participation requirements)
The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326). Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements for their course. These can be viewed under Entry and Participation Requirements for the course outlines in the Handbook.
Further details on how to seek academic adjustments can be found on the Student Equity and Disability Support website:
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Additional details
- A testimonio project presentation followed by a class debate during the semester equivalent to 400 words [12%]
- A 400 word final essay with a focus on a meta-analytical reflection on the research process due in the second half of the semester [13%]
- Two class assignments (400 words each) due during the first and second halves of the semester [20%]
- Two 1 hour tests (700 words each) due in weeks 5 and 10 [30%]
- A final 1.5 hour exam (equivalent to 1000 words) during the examination period [25%]
Hurdle Requirement: Students must attend a minimum of 75% of tutorials in order to pass this subject. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject.
Note: Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per working day. In-class tasks missed without approval will not be marked.
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Dates & times
- Semester 1
Principal coordinator Mara Favoretto Mode of delivery On Campus (Parkville) Contact hours 36 hours: 2 x 1.5-hour tutorial per week Total time commitment 170 hours Teaching period 4 March 2019 to 2 June 2019 Last self-enrol date 15 March 2019 Census date 31 March 2019 Last date to withdraw without fail 10 May 2019 Assessment period ends 28 June 2019 Semester 1 contact information
Time commitment details
170 hours
Additional delivery details
Entry to this subject can be met through:
- completion of Spanish 4; or
- equivalent.
Last updated: 14 March 2025
Further information
- Texts
- Related Handbook entries
This subject contributes to the following:
Type Name Major Spanish and Latin American Studies Specialisation (formal) Spanish and Latin American Studies - Breadth options
This subject is available as breadth in the following courses:
- Bachelor of Biomedicine
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Environments
- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Science
- Links to additional information
- Available through the Community Access Program
About the Community Access Program (CAP)
This subject is available through the Community Access Program (also called Single Subject Studies) which allows you to enrol in single subjects offered by the University of Melbourne, without the commitment required to complete a whole degree.
Please note Single Subject Studies via Community Access Program is not available to student visa holders or applicants
Entry requirements including prerequisites may apply. Please refer to the CAP applications page for further information.
Additional information for this subject
Language Placement Test required
- Available to Study Abroad and/or Study Exchange Students
Last updated: 14 March 2025