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German Studies
Bachelor of ArtsMajorYear: 2020
German Studies
Contact information
Birgit Lang
Email: langb@unimelb.edu.au
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
German has more than 100 million native speakers and is the third most popular foreign language world-wide. Knowledge of German opens up the rich culture of German-speaking Europe as well as its history, philosophy, literature, music and scientific traditions. The German Studies program has a proud history of more than half a century at the University of Melbourne and provides students with the opportunity to complete part of their studies overseas through scholarships and exchange programs.
German language subjects are organised in a progressive sequence of units from German 1 through to German 10 and has four entry points (German Studies 1, 3, 5 and 7). Placement in the correct entry point is determined by the German Studies program, based on the results of the online placement test. Hence all students who enrol in German at The University of Melbourne for the first time need to undertake the placement test. Thereafter students normally progress through the sequence in consecutive order. Accelerated progression is possible with the permission of the course convenor. Mid-year entry is also possible into subjects with even numbers.
Intended learning outcomes
Students who complete this major will:
• Interpret a range of different genres relevant in German-speaking social and cultural contexts;
• Communicate effectively in a variety of oral and written formats, comprehending and producing German discourse with fluency (relative to entry level) and appreciate its cultural contexts;
• Specialize in at least one of the three core areas of modern German literature, linguistics, and cultural studies;
• Apply relevant research and analytical skills combined with a strong sense of intellectual integrity and the ethics of scholarship;
• Appreciate German-speaking cultures in a differentiated and informed way;
• Engage critically and to constructively in intercultural dialogue as a bicultural and bilingual person and as a global citizen;
• Independently apply a wide range of learning techniques (in German and English) as autonomous, motivated, self-directed and well-organised learners;
• Act confidently in German-speaking milieus and target culture, and work effectively in a cooperative way using German and English as media.
Last updated: 18 December 2020