Arabic Studies
Bachelor of Arts (Degree with Honours)Specialisation (formal)Year: 2020
Arabic Studies
Contact information
Dr Abdul-Samad Abdullah
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
The minimum entry requirement for Arabic Studies Honours is completion of all the requirements for the BA, with a major in Arabic Studies and an average of at least H2A (75%) in second and third-year subjects within the major, or equivalent.
The Honours program in Arabic Studies comprises advanced coursework and an individual research project (Arabic Studies Thesis) designed to extend students' knowledge of Arabic literature and/or Arab culture or Arabic linguistics or another appropriate area in Arabic Studies, while developing their research skills and research presentation skills. In addition, students will take an additional subject selected from options (elective subjects) dealing with aspects of Islamic studies or some other appropriate area of studies. In the case of combined honours, three honours subjects, or the research project and one honours subject, may be undertaken in the combining discipline. After successfully completing the program, students will be able to enrol for further research study towards a Master of Arts (MA) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree.
Last updated: 18 December 2020