Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Bachelor of Arts (Degree with Honours)Specialisation (formal)Year: 2020
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Contact information
Dr Olga Maxwell
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
The minimum entry requirement for Linguistics & Applied Linguistics honours is completion of all the requirements for the BA, with a major in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics and an average of at least H2A (75%) in second and third-year subjects within the major, or equivalent.
The Honours program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics comprises advanced coursework and an original supervised research project designed to extend a student's knowledge and skills using rigorous methods of inquiry and applying appropriate theories and methodologies to the identification and resolution of research questions within Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. After successfully completing the program, students will be prepared to either progress into a research higher degree at the Master or PhD level, or enter the workforce with improved employment options and scope for professional advancement.
Last updated: 18 December 2020