Professional specialisation
Informal specialisationYear: 2020
Professional specialisation
The Master of Information Systems (MIS) Professional Specialisation is a 200 credit point coursework degree for those interested in a professional career in IT management and digital business: professionals supporting, managing and changing business processes through information and communications technology (ICT) and information systems. Elective streams are available in areas such as: IS Project and Change Management, IT Service Provision, Business Analytics, IT Innovation and Interaction Design, Spatial Information, and eHealth.
Last updated: 14 March 2025
200 credit points
MIS Professional Specialisation:
All students must complete 200 credit points comprising:
- Foundation Core subjects (50 points). Students normally complete four foundation core subjects in the areas of business and information systems to complement their first degree. The specific subjects selected will be determined after consultation with the MIS Coordinator taking into account the academic background of the student.
- Lower Core subjects (50 points). Four Lower Core subjects must be completed. They have no prerequisites are normally taken in parallel with the selected foundation subjects in the first year of full-time study.
- Upper Core subjects (50 points). Four Upper Core subjects must be completed. Each has a prerequisite of 50 points of study (for students in the 200 point 2 year MIS) and the four are normally taken in parallel with elective subjects in a student's second year of full-time study. Two of the Upper Core subjects (25 points, ISYS90032 Emerging Technologies and Issues, and ISYS90051 Impact of Digitisation) form the capstone of the MIS requiring students to engage in scholarly work within the discipline.
- Discipline Elective subjects (50 points). Four specific subjects will be selected taking into account the future career direction of the student. These electives have prerequisites of 50 points of study (for students in the 200 point 2 year MIS).
Last updated: 14 March 2025