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Bachelor of Science (B-SCI) // Further study
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Associate Professor Deborah King
Further study
The Bachelor of Science degree provides pathways to honours, graduate professional entry degrees or, upon completion of appropriate research training preparation following the BSc, research higher degrees.
Honours - Depending on the major undertaken, students may apply for an Honours program upon completion of the Bachelor of Science. Refer to the course entry for further details:
Graduate Professional Entry Degrees For students who wish to continue professional studies at graduate level, the degree provides a pathway into a range of graduate professional entry programs, some of which also provide research training.
Research Higher Degrees For students who wish to explore science research questions in greater depth, there will be opportunities to proceed to Research Higher Degrees at masters and doctoral level. Research training preparation within the Honours year, Postgraduate Diploma or a Masters degree will be required as preparation for a research higher degree.
Last updated: 30 January 2025