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Executive Master of Arts (MC-EMA) // Course structure
About this course
Associate Professor Carsten Roever
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Currently enrolled students:
- Contact Stop 1
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
Future students:
- Further information: http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/
- Contact: 'make an enquiry' on http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/degrees/24-executive-master-of-arts
Course structure
Students are required to complete the program requirements/structure from the year that they commenced their program. All compulsory, core and capstone subjects must be completed to be eligible to graduate from the program.
It is strongly recommended that students complete all compulsory subjects sequentially in the first 100 points of the program.
200 point program
Duration: 2 years full-time
- eight compulsory subjects (100 points)
- core subject/s (25 points)
- elective subjects (75 points)
150 point program
Duration: 1.5 years full-time
- seven compulsory subjects (87.5 points)
- core subject/s (25 points)
- elective subjects (37.5 points)
100 point program
Duration: 1 year full-time
- seven compulsory subjects (87.5 points)
- one core subject (12.5 points)
Capstone Requirement:
Capstone subject options must be completed in the final hundred points of the program. All students are required to complete one Capstone subject option (at least 25 points). This requirement cannot be waived or replaced in any circumstances.
Capstone Stream 1: MGMT90129 Group Project (25 points)(Available for students completing the 200 and 150 point program)
Purpose: Provides students with the opportunity to conceptualise, plan and execute a substantial group project undertaken for an external organisation, responding to a real problem or challenge within that organisation, demonstrating advanced and innovative practical, analytical, team work and communication skills to understand, contribute to and engage with the organisation in question
Capstone Stream 2: MGMT90164 EMA Special Project (25 points) or MGMT90235 EMA Special project (Year Long) Part 1 and MGMT90236 EMA Special Project (Year Long) Part 2 (Available for students completing the 200 and 150 point program)
Purpose: Provides students with the opportunity to conceptualise, plan and execute a substantial, independent, research-based project in the form of a report or minor thesis, demonstrating a specialist understanding of the topic being studied, high level skills in interdisciplinary and comparative research, analysis and critique, underpinned by a demonstrable capacity to communicate research effectively, creatively and persuasively in written form
Capstone Stream 3: MGMT90131 Internship II (25 points)(Available for students completing the 200 and 150 point program)
Purpose: Provides students with the opportunity to plan and execute a four-week (full-time equivalent) placement or internship based capstone experience in an external organisation, demonstrating an ability to work across a range of tasks relevant to the organisation’s objectives, and develop and complete a specific project with creativity, integrity and cultural sensitivity, acquiring significant insight into the complexities of applying knowledge and skills within a professional workplace
Capstone Stream 4: Internship 1 (MGMT90130) and Project Management (MGMT90128) (Available for students completing the 150 and 100 point program - Students completing this Capstone option in the 150 point program must ensure an additional core subject is completed (12.5 points) as per the program requirements)
Purpose: Equips students with the capacity to plan, execute and manage professional projects in workplace contexts, provides a ‘real-world’ cohort experience designed to facilitate pathways towards careers and provide a group-learning experience that utilizes the key skills developed in all prior EMA subjects.
Capstone Stream 5:EMA Career Project (MGMT90209) and Project Management (MGMT90128) (Available for students completing the 150 and 100 point program - Students completing this Capstone option in the 150 point program must ensure an additional core subject is completed (12.5 points) as per the program requirements)
Purpose: Equips students with the capacity to plan, execute and manage professional projects, provides a ‘real-world’ cohort experience designed to facilitate pathways towards careers, provides a group-learning experience that utilizes the key skills developed in all prior EMA subjects and provides the opportunity to plan and execute a career-focused and research-based project.
External Subject Rule
Student may undertake an external subject (not listed within the program structure) with the permission of the program and subject coordinator. All external subject requests must be for the elective subject requirement, not as a compulsory, core or capstone subject. The maximum external subjects allowed are as follows:
- 200 point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (2 years): maximum 25 points.
- 150 point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (1.5 years): maximum 12.5 points.
- 100* point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (1 year): 12.5 points
- 50*^ point program undertaken at University of Melbourne (0.5 years): 0 points.
* GC-ARTS, GD-ARTS, GCA-ARTS and GDA-ARTS students are not normally granted permission to undertake external subjects towards their degree.
^ Exception: Students admitted to 50 point programs may apply to take LING90002, Presenting Academic Discourse, as an external subject.
Please note that advanced standing contributes to a student’s remaining points undertaken at University of Melbourne, and may affect how many points the student can undertake outside the enrolled program.
For policies that govern this degree, see the Courses, Subjects, Awards and Programs Policy in the University Melbourne Policy Library. Students also should also refer to information in the Enrolment and Timetabling Policy.
Last updated: 17 February 2025