Screen and Cultural Studies
Bachelor of ArtsMajorYear: 2021
Screen and Cultural Studies
Contact information
Associate Professor Chris Healy
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
Screen and Cultural Studies is a combined program and students can specialise in either area. The combined program covers the fields of film and popular media; screen histories; Australian, Hollywood, European and Asian cinemas; everyday life; television and entertainment; film genres including avant garde and documentary; computer games; the Internet and the representation of global cultures. The major introduces students to the development and history of film and cultural studies. Theories include film and screen aesthetics; identity and gender; sexuality and spectatorship; media globalization; narrative structures and class ideologies. Students encounter a variety of screen media, net-based and popular cultures; engage cultural texts, sites and practices from a range of interpretive angles, including lifestyle and consumer studies, subcultural studies, and critical studies of sexuality, race and cultural globalization, and; explore their histories, significance and theories that help make sense of how they relate to power, commerce and lived culture today. Through innovative teaching, students in Screen and Cultural Studies encounter new ways of analysing contemporary screen media and culture. Academic staff in the discipline are specialists in screen cultures and media histories; entertainment cultures; gender, race and sexulaity; postcolonialism and migration; European and Asian cinemas; cultural policy, and; media archaeology.
Intended learning outcomes
Students who complete this major will:
- apply critical and analytical skills and methods of Screen Studies and Cultural Studies to identify and resolve problems within complex changing social and cultural contexts;
- develop a detailed knowledge and understanding of Screen Studies and Cultural Studies as disciplines;
- apply an independent approach to knowledge that uses rigorous methods of inquiry and appropriate methodologies that are applied with intellectual honesty and a respect for ethical values;
- articulate the relationship between diverse forms of knowledge that are specific to Screen Studies and Cultural Studies to understand the social, historical and cultural contexts that produced them;
- develop a foundation of relevant historical knowledge, methodological capacity and theoretical competency in Screen Studies and Cultural Studies in order to apply this knowledge and experience to a broad range of professional and disciplinary contexts;
- work with independence, self- reflection and creativity to meet goals and challenges in the workplace and personal life;
- appreciate the value of interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge, while also recognizing the significance of the disciplinary skills particular to Screen Studies and Cultural Studies.
Last updated: 3 May 2024