Handbook home
French Studies
Graduate Diploma in ArtsSpecialisation (formal)Year: 2021
French Studies
Contact information
Jacqueline Dutton
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
French is one of the world's major international languages: it is spoken by over 200 million people in 43 countries, on five continents. A knowledge of French may increase access to careers in international relations, development studies, business, science and the arts.
The overall objective of the French Studies program is to teach students to process information from a wide variety of materials in French, both written and spoken, and to produce accounts and discussions of that information in a variety of forms. In subjects at all levels, you will be guided towards undertaking independent research projects into areas including language, literature, politics, cinema, theatre, travel writing, food and wine, immigration and identity.
The core subjects in French are organised in a progressive sequence from French 1 through to French 7. Entry and exit points are determined by the French Program based on the student’s background in the language, placement testing or prerequisites. Students normally progress through the subjects in consecutive order. Mid-year entry is also possible into subjects with even numbers, subject to appropriate prior experience and approval from the head of the French program. Accelerated progression is possible on advice from the French Program.
Last updated: 3 May 2024