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Electrical with Business
Master of EngineeringSpecialisation (formal)Year: 2021
Electrical with Business
Contact information
Christina Lim
Email: chrislim@unimelb.edu.au
Melbourne School of Engineering
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
- Contact: Stop 1
Future students:
- Further information: Master of Engineering (Electrical with Business)
- Contact: Enquiry Form
Electrical engineers with business skills play a key role in the design, implementation and management of systems that exploit electrical phenomena. These include systems for automation, surveillance, energy conversion, power distribution, telecommunications and information processing, on both very large and very small scales. Graduates are sought with strong analytical and engineering management skills who will be able to be employed in a variety of industries in roles ranging from research-and-development to project management and finance.
Intended learning outcomes
In addition to the learning outcomes of the Master of Engineering, students successfully completing the Master of Engineering (Electrical with Business) degree should:
- have gained fundamental knowledge in electrical engineering principles including the analysis and design of electrical and electronic circuits; modelling and analysing complex systems; and techniques for test and measurement;
- have gained knowledge and practice in the business of engineering including contracts and procurement, entrepreneurship in engineering markets, operations management and economic analysis, in addition to a selection of advanced electrical engineering topics from the electronics; information engineering; and power systems areas;
- be able to apply the knowledge to analyse and have the ability to devise solutions for complex open‐ended problems;
- be conversant with important issues relevant to sectors influenced by electrical engineering, such as the sustainability of power, water and other resource distribution networks and the efficient operation of all infrastructure, the rise of automation, and privacy and security in the age of the internet;
- understand how engineering‐ based industry functions and the business and ethical framework in which it operates.
Last updated: 12 November 2024