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Labour in Construction (ABPL90332)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2021
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About this subject
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The construction industry is not only one of the largest employment sectors globally but also one of the most dynamic and complex industrial settings. The industry relies heavily on the skill set of a wide range of workers who are employed within diverse industry settings. This subject investigates the effective management of construction’s most important resource – its people. Overall it explores the importance of human resource management (HRM) in order to develop a high level of consistency between organisational and individual needs.
The subject begins by looking at contextual factors which influence the supply of workers and the management of this resource. A history of industrial relations, as it relates to construction, is provided along with an examination of industrial relations on construction projects today. Employment legislation as it applies in the Australian context is also presented. Individual and team based theories and models of organisational behaviour are then examined and human resource management theories and their key functions are presented providing students with current theoretical approaches to people management. Issues specific to the construction industry such as communication and teamwork; conflict management, negotiation and resolution; employee motivation and retention; organisational and project cultures; ethics and ethical behaviour; equal opportunity and diversity; work-life balance; career development and mentoring are also covered. This subject covers briefly some aspects of occupational health and safety (OHS) of workers (for instance psychological risks) but not issues such as legislation, statutory responsibilities of employers or current theories within OHS management.
Note: Students are expected to complete up to 100 pages of course readings and any other course preparation as outlined on the LMS. The LMS will become available earlier than the start date of the subject.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Understand the a range of human resource management concepts related to contemporary management practice within construction.
- Appreciate the different viewpoints of managers and construction workers on employment issues.
- Compare and contrast different approaches to the management of people in construction.
Generic skills
Upon successful completion of this subject students will have had the opportunity to develop the following generic skills:
- Advanced analytical skills
- Research skills
- Communication skills
- Problem solving skills
- Team working skills
Last updated: 3 November 2022