Realising The Knowledge Economy (ABPL90409)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2021
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About this subject
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Realising The Knowledge Economy develops a holistic approach to the understanding and realisation of the urban knowledge economy, i.e., an urban development strategy that draws upon knowledge-intensive sectors and activities. In particular, the implications and impacts of this strategy in property development and management, the planning of housing and infrastructure, and the attraction of human capital and the (re)construction of our built environment will be critically discussed. The subject will cover the various theoretical bases for the centrality of knowledge to the performance of urban economies, these knowledge will be used to analyse different models of planning, development and management of key knowledge spaces. It will also cover how property, the labour market and our built environment react to a knowledge-based development strategy worldwide.
Adopting a student-led learning approach, this subject is designed to capitalise on the multi-disciplinary nature of the student cohort. It uses case studies, active discussions, interactive problem solving, scenario analysis, peer review and group work, among other teaching and learning activities.An essential part of this subject is a group fieldwork around Melbourne to collect data on selected innovation districts and precincts, which requires innovative applications of your learning
Incidental Cost
This subject involves site visit( field work). Students are required to pay for their own travel.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Explain central characteristics, principles and processes of the knowledge economy and knowledge-based development from multi-disciplinary perspectives;
- Investigate, analyse and synthesise relevant classic and cutting-edge debates and to apply established theories to current investment and policy making practices;
- Draw on their previous learning to critically evaluate the impacts of the knowledge economy and knowledge-based development on property markets, planning practice and urban design;
- Examine and assess the impacts of existing built environment and institutional frameworks by applying mixed research methods;
- Design and communicate knowledge economy solutions for selected case studies, and contribute to professional practice or scholarship.
Generic skills
- Identify, investigate and design solutions to real-life problems, using a combination of cognitive, technical and creative skills
- Technical research skills to justify and interpret theoretical propositions, market data and methodologies and develop proper analytical frameworks to undertake informed comparative analysis
- Team-working and interpersonal skills
- Communicate effectively using different techniques where appropriate
- Confidence in the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice and/or for further learning
Last updated: 22 February 2024