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German 5 (GERM20007)
Undergraduate level 2Points: 12.5Dual-Delivery (Parkville)
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Availability | Semester 1 - Dual-Delivery |
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Students will consolidate their ability to communicate in German in oral and written discourse and develop cultural literacy in German by engaging with key themes in modern German-speaking societies such as the German concept of "Heimat". Students will develop more advanced language skills through reading short newspaper and magazine articles and watching film and television clips. They will produce shorter texts of different types and learn how to discuss contemporary issues. Students will also gain an understanding of the principles of organizing language as well as developing proficiency in the use of the appropriate linguistic tools for the formation of situation-appropriate vocabulary, sentence and text structures. Through the cultural studies seminars students will be introduced to central aspects of the literature, culture and linguistics of German-speaking countries. Students will become familiar with specialized terminology and will develop analytical skills relevant to the topic area.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should:
- have cultivated the knowledge to find information from various sources, including the dictionary, library and internet;
- have the ability to comprehend spoken forms of German at a highly developed level of complexity and on a range of topics relating to contemporary life in German-speaking societies;
- have cultivated the knowledge to use a wide range of vocabulary relating to contemporary German societies and gained familiarity with specialised terminology relating to important literary, linguistic and cultural aspects of modern German-speaking countries;
- have cultivated the knowledge to interpret and critically analyse texts and vocabulary occurring in a variety of audio-visual media at a high level of complexity;
- have cultivated public speaking skills through tutorial and seminar discussion and class presentations;
- have acquired a high level of ability in intercultural communication practices;
- have developed complex linguistic structures to speak and write about events in the past from different perspectives and express opinions, desires and intentions;
- have demonstrated well-developed time management and planning skills to manage and organize study workloads and shown attention to detail in essays and assignments.
Generic skills
At the completion of this subject, students should:
- be able to find information from various sources, including dictionary, library, the internet;
- have acquired a foundation in intercultural communication practices;
- have acquired written communication and reflective skills through essay writing and seminar discussion;
- be able to show attention to detail through essay preparation and writing;
- have acquired time management and planning skills through managing and organising workloads for recommended reading, essay and assignment completion;
- have acquired public speaking skills through tutorial and seminar discussion and class presentations;
- be able to engage critically with task-focused vocabulary.
Last updated: 9 February 2025