Bachelor of BiomedicineMajorYear: 2022
The Physiology major will teach students how the body works. Students will learn about the ways in which cells, organs and the whole body function in an integrated way. By understanding normal function, students will investigate disturbances in whole body systems such as those relating to the endocrine, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, developmental and neural control systems. The experimental bases of physiology are emphasized and students will use contemporary techniques to examine questions in physiology. Discoveries in physiology have a broad impact upon health and medicine, environmental science, industry, nutrition, exercise and reproductive biology. Many of the discoveries from the human genome project rely on physiology to understand their impact on the human body.
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this major, students should be able to:
- identify knowledge of Physiology as a research-intensive multidisciplinary science,
- integrate scientific processes across multiple systems,
- apply skills in critical evaluation of scientific literature, physiological data and experimental design,
- describe practical skills and technologies in the solution of scientific problems,
- communicate physiology concepts in oral and written forms to both scientific and lay audiences,
- recognise the historical background and evolution of scientific concepts,
- demonstrate an intellectual curiosity and a desire for lifelong learning, with a capacity to be creative and innovative, and
- demonstrate skills related to problem solving, teamwork, analytical reading, self-assessment, and assessment of peers.
Last updated: 3 May 2024