Landscape Architecture
Bachelor of DesignMajorYear: 2022
Landscape Architecture
Contact information
Siqing Chen
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Landscape Architecture is a design profession which provides a unique bridge between design and the environmental sciences. This major explores the practice, theory, history, and long-standing ecological sensibilities of the discipline. Landscape Architecture ranges across all scales of design encompassing large-scale public projects such as the Olympic Parks in Sydney and Beijing, to suburban development, to smaller urban spaces and gardens.
Landscape Architecture offers creative opportunities to engage in core ecological, cultural and social issues faced today. Students of Landscape Architecture are attracted to its creativity and diversity, its challenges and demands.
In the first two years, the Landscape Architecture Major shares design, technical and history content with other design majors that focus on the introduction and reinforcement of design and representation skills and knowledge. This is complemented with core landscape architecture subjects, that instils ecology proficiency, and culminates in a major specific third year. Double majors are available for certain majors within the Bachelor of Design. Further information on double majors can be found here:
Careers and Further Study
A major in Landscape Architecture prepares students to pursue further study in accredited landscape architecture postgraduate degrees or in related disciplines or employment in a range of occupations related to landscape architecture practice. For more information about the Master of Landscape Architecture, please visit the Melbourne School of Design web site:
Intended learning outcomes
Graduates of the Landscape Architecture major should be able to demonstrate:
- Broad knowledge of the built and natural environments, with the specific knowledge bases of the landscape architecture discipline
- Application of effective problem solving skills to the design of various types of open space and at multiple scales, levels of complexity and detail
- Understanding of theoretical approaches, design strategies and processes, and an ability to position design propositions within a social, historical, cultural and environmental context
- Capacity to work efficiently both individually and collaboratively in design projects and related tasks
- Effective communication of research and design ideas in a wide range of contexts, in written, oral and graphic formats, and proficiency in hand-drawing, physical modelling, and digital mediums
- Commitment to continuous learning, investigation and research, so as to inform the planning and design of open spaces towards increased social and ecological wellbeing locally, regionally and globally
- Ability to present design proposals and respond to critique in a public setting
- Respect for Indigenous knowledge systems, cultures and landscape values based on an understanding of, and empathy with, the planning and design of open spaces
- Advocacy of a participative approach towards the planning and design of open spaces
- Qualification to pursue further study in accredited landscape architecture postgraduate degrees or in related disciplines or employment in a range of occupations related to landscape architecture practice.
Last updated: 3 May 2024