Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (Nurse Practitioner) (MC-ANPNP) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Principal Coordinator
Dianne Crellin
Melbourne School of Health Sciences (Nursing)
Currently Enrolled Students:
Future Student Enquiries:
- Further information:
- Email: Nursing enquiry
Professional accreditation
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
Intended learning outcomes
Direct comprehensive care:
Provide safe, effective, person-centred health care to consumers
- Use diagnostic tests judiciously to appropriately inform the health assessment.
- Interpret and synthesise scientific and consumer data to inform diagnostic decision making.
- Conduct comprehensive health assessments, which respect individual diversity and acknowledge the social determinants of health.
- Develop comprehensive consumer focused health care plans that reflect health care team, consumer and family collaboration and negotiated healthcare goals and respects individual diversity.
- Promote quality, continuity and coordination of care by consulting and/or liaising with other clinicians (including other disciplines), health care services/organisations and other agencies.
- Competently and effectively use a variety of evidence based therapeutic (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) modalities to address healthcare needs.
- Demonstrate quality use of medicines, which is in accordance with relevant legislation and regulation.
- Negotiate referral and transition of consumer care to alternative health care clinicians to promote optimal health outcome.
- Review therapeutic impact of care and where appropriate modify therapeutic plans to better meet agreed healthcare goals
- Provide comprehensive and appropriate health education which is adapted to consumer and family health literacy.
- Identify and respond to clinical risk to minimise consumer harm.
Support of systems:
Influence health care systems and services to achieve better outcomes for consumers, their families, health care providers, the community and the health care system
- Establish partnerships between consumers and the health care team to identify outcome based service &/or improvement initiatives.
- Critique heath service models and policies and recognise their impact on consumer access to service, service costs and efficiency and the quality and effectiveness of service.
- Promotes, plans and leads service &/or practice improvement initiatives.
- Make consumer focused clinical decisions that reflect accountability for consumption of resources and the impact on the service.
- Advocate for patient, community, service, discipline needs in a wide range of forums.
- Establish effective methods for evaluation to determine the impact of service and service and/or practice improvement initiatives.
Educate self & others (consumers, health care professionals etc) regarding the focus of & available options for care
- Negotiate appropriate plans using a range of strategies to meet learning needs of the consumer and their families .
- Collaborate with consumers and their families and colleagues to identify their learning needs and establish their health literacy.
- Support colleagues to identify and address learning needs using a range of strategies and resources.
- Act as an educator and/or mentor to colleagues.
- Identify and address own learning needs to ensure maintenance of high standards of evidence based practice.
- Evaluate the acquisition of knowledge and skill in those receiving education.
Apply evidence to practice, identify the clinical evidence gaps and inform and contribute to future clinical and research inquiry to address these gaps
- Appraise and critique available evidence to expand discipline-specific knowledge and identify significant gaps in the clinical evidence base.
- Promote and demonstrate evidence based practice.
- Plan and implement consumer centred care which is supported by the best available evidence.
- Lead or contribute to research aimed at addressing clinical evidence gaps.
- Embed evaluation methodology in all aspects of service and practice.
- Implement evidence-based innovations to improve clinical care and service effectiveness.
Publication and professional leadership:
Demonstrate professional and clinical leadership in clinical, organisational, political and community forums and make scholarly contribution to the discipline and/or specialty
- Use influence and leadership to promote growth and development in colleagues.
- Establish effective inter-professional collaborations and lead clinical teams.
- Influence and/or lead health-care planning, system innovation, workforce reform or policy or practice change and improvement initiatives via organisational, governmental or professional body committees etc.
- Promote the role, specialty and discipline in a range of political, community and discipline-specific and inter-professional forums.
- Recognise the impact of national health priorities and health care policy on the NP role and identify development opportunities.
- Make scholarly contribution to the discipline and/or specialty via publication, presentation etc.
Generic skills
At the completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate:
• the capacity for information seeking, retrieval and evaluation
• critical thinking and analytical skills
• an openness to new ideas
• the ability to communicate scientific knowledge through oral, written and web based media
• professional leadership skills
Graduate attributes
The Melbourne Experience enables our graduates to become:
Academically excellent
- have a strong sense of intellectual integrity and the ethics of scholarship
- have in-depth knowledge of their specialist discipline(s)
- reach a high level of achievement in writing, generic research activities, problemsolving and communication
- be critical and creative thinkers, with an aptitude for continued self-directed learning
- be adept at learning in a range of ways, including through information and communication technologies
Knowledgeable across disciplines
- examine critically, synthesise and evaluate knowledge across a broad range of disciplines
- expand their analytical and cognitive skills through learning experiences in diverse subjects
- have the capacity to participate fully in collaborative learning and to confront unfamiliar problems
- have a set of flexible and transferable skills for different types of employment
Leaders in communities
- initiate and implement constructive change in their communities, including professions and workplaces
- have excellent interpersonal and decision-making skills, including an awareness of personal strengths and limitations
- mentor future generations of learners
- engage in meaningful public discourse, with a profound awareness of community needs
Attuned to cultural diversity
- value different cultures
- be well-informed citizens able to contribute to their communities wherever they choose to live and work
- have an understanding of the social and cultural diversity in our community
- respect indigenous knowledge, cultures and values
Active global citizens
- accept social and civic responsibilities
- be advocates for improving the sustainability of the environment
- have a broad global understanding, with a high regard for human rights, equity and ethics
As a graduate of the Master of Nurse Practitioner the graduate will have the advanced discipline specific knowledge and skills to:
- Provide safe, effective, person-centred health care to consumers (direct and comprehensive care).
- Influence health care systems and services to achieve better outcomes for consumers, their families, health care providers, the community and the health care system (support of systems).
- Educate self and others (consumers, health care professionals etc) regarding the focus of and available options for care (education).
- Apply evidence to practice, identify the clinical evidence gaps and inform and contribute to future clinical and research inquiry to address these gaps (Research).
- Demonstrate professional and clinical leadership in clinical, organisational, political and community forums and make scholarly contribution to the discipline and/or specialty (publication and professional leadership).
Last updated: 10 November 2023