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Cultural Analysis of Exchange Studies (EDUC20071)
Undergraduate level 2Points: 12.5Not available in 2022
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About this subject
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With the transition into new overseas learning environments students abroad usually manage this experience in isolation. Studies have shown that while extended periods of intercultural engagement are important for student development of independence and intercultural communication skills, it is just as important for students to have a framework for analysing their own intercultural interactions. Such frameworks and reflections serve to enhance students’ ability to interact and lead effectively across cultures.
The aim of this subject is to assist students as they engage in self-reflective practices and exchange these reflections with fellow students online to better understand their overseas learning experiences. Encouraging students to reflect on their overseas learning within a supportive community of peers will promote, facilitate, and support enhanced learning practices for students who participate in this subject. Apart from exchanging information and advice with each other, students will also read and reflect on research that has been conducted by others in this area of studying abroad.
The delivery of this subject is governed by the differences in locations and time zones students are located in. As such an online discussion forum will be created as analogous to real “classroom” discussions where questions will be posed and can then be answered by students over the course of a week or so. Students will access these online discussions to reflect on their own experience and by reading the online material provided by the subject coordinator.
Intended learning outcomes
The aim in providing this subject is to add further value to Exchange Students’ Study Abroad experience. This subject can better facilitate students’ transition into new and unfamiliar teaching environments. By exchanging experiences and strategies; by reading research papers; and by reflecting about studying abroad, students may be better able to identify key issues that may be inhibiting their learning ability overseas. Ultimately as students become better equipped to interpret and understand how they are learning they may then be able to better identify future career paths or opportunities for ongoing collaborative international work experience.
This subject will enhance students’ competencies in the following areas:
- Exposure to and understanding of advanced academic research on intercultural interaction effectiveness.
- Ability to reflect on overseas learning experiences within a supportive community of peers.
- Cross-cultural analysis of their discipline areas of study.
At the completion of this subject, students should:
- Be familiar with the concepts associated with Culture Shock and Intercultural Effectiveness
- Better understand the implications and complexities of intercultural communication.
- Have improved intercultural communication skills
- Be able to discuss the different international and cultural perspectives that may exist around their chosen discipline area
Generic skills
At the completion of the subject, students should have learnt more about how to:
- Interact successfully across cultures
- Improve their analytical skills – specifically the ability to conduct analysis using different cultural perspectives
- Enhance their ability to formulate and articulate rational argument through on-line discussions
- Develop further their abilities to engage critically with the subject literature
- Learn to apply theory to practice in online discussions and reflections
- Optimise the capabilities of online social networking tools.
Last updated: 31 January 2024
Eligibility and requirements
Students should have completed at least 75 points of undergraduate subjects.
This subject can only be taken while students are on Exchange overseas or are Studying Abroad
Non-allowed subjects
Recommended background knowledge
Students should have completed at least 75 points of undergraduate subjects.
Inherent requirements (core participation requirements)
The University of Melbourne is committed to providing students with reasonable adjustments to assessment and participation under the Disability Standards for Education (2005), and the Assessment and Results Policy (MPF1326). Students are expected to meet the core participation requirements for their course. These can be viewed under Entry and Participation Requirements for the course outlines in the Handbook.
Further details on how to seek academic adjustments can be found on the Student Equity and Disability Support website: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/student-equity/home
Last updated: 31 January 2024
Description | Timing | Percentage |
Ongoing online discussion with moderation from tutors/lecturers. Ongoing. | Throughout the semester | 10% |
Short reflective ongoing discussions (1-2 pages) based on weekly discussions and on the readings for each of the four themed modules. These four reflective discussions will be assessed out of 10 marks each. Ongoing (40%=10 x 4)
| Throughout the teaching period | 40% |
A peer-review report about what and how well students are learning from their own and other students' reflections on the discussion forum. This review is assessed based on the strengths of students' analysis and reflections in conjunction with references to support their discussion.
| Week 8 | 20% |
A final report about their overall overseas learning experience (max. 2000 words and may include illustrations, tables and figures). Part of this report should include a reflection of their Discipline as experienced in another culture, noting any differences and / or similarities. Students should conduct a "field study" at the University they are based at to explore differences in teaching approaches and expectations of student learning processes. Students should investigate underlying cultural impacts that influence overseas teaching and learning practices and compare these with practices at the University of Melbourne, due by the end of week 16
| Week 16 | 30% |
Additional details
- Ongoing online discussion with moderation from tutors/lecturers. Ongoing (10%)
- Short reflective ongoing discussions (1-2 pages) based on weekly discussions and on the readings for each of the four themed modules. These four reflective discussions will be assessed out of 10 marks each. Ongoing (40%=10 x 4)
- A peer-review report (3-4 pages) about what and how well students are learning from their own and other students’ reflections on the discussion forum. This review is assessed based on the strengths of students’ analysis and reflections in conjunction with references to support their discussion, due by the end of week 8 (20%)
- A final report about their overall overseas learning experience (max. 2000 words and may include illustrations, tables and figures). Part of this report should include a reflection of their Discipline as experienced in another culture, noting any differences and / or similarities. Students should conduct a “field study” at the University they are based at to explore differences in teaching approaches and expectations of student learning processes. Students should investigate underlying cultural impacts that influence overseas teaching and learning practices and compare these with practices at the University of Melbourne, due by the end of week 16 (30%)
Last updated: 31 January 2024
Dates & times
Not available in 2022
Time commitment details
120 hours (including self study)
Last updated: 31 January 2024
Further information
- Texts
Prescribed texts
There are no specifically prescribed or recommended texts for this subject.
- Available through the Community Access Program
About the Community Access Program (CAP)
This subject is available through the Community Access Program (also called Single Subject Studies) which allows you to enrol in single subjects offered by the University of Melbourne, without the commitment required to complete a whole degree.
Entry requirements including prerequisites may apply. Please refer to the CAP applications page for further information.
Additional information for this subject
Subject coordinator approval required
Last updated: 31 January 2024