Russian 5 (RUSS30001)
Undergraduate level 3Points: 12.5On Campus (Parkville)
From 2023 most subjects will be taught on campus only with flexible options limited to a select number of postgraduate programs and individual subjects.
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Availability | Semester 1 |
Fees | Look up fees |
This subject is designed to provide students with a thorough exposure to pre-20th-century historical and social issues in Russia. Drawing on the dual meaning of the Russian word istorija (i.e., history and story), the theme-oriented instructional units emphasise personal and public stories in Russian history, while connecting oral narratives with written narratives. Students improve their ability to narrate, compare and contrast and establish causal relationships in speaking and writing. Through the integration of all modalities, this course promotes accuracy, fluency and complexity in language use. The development of advanced reading and writing is considered the primary means for expanding students’ language abilities at this stage of language instruction. In this theme-based subject, students gain background knowledge about public events in pre-20th-century Russian history and then read and view personal narratives about these events for the purposes of examining the intersection of the public and private spheres of contemporary Russian society. The texts themselves provide the textual, informational, and lexico-grammatical features that serve as the basis for developing students’ abilities as advanced learners of Russian.
Intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should:
- be able to interpret and analyse written texts and public genres of a moderate to high level of complexity from Russian 19th-century literature and history texts;
- be able to engage with and discuss Russian films based on 19th-century works of literature;
- be able to deploy more specialised vocabulary and complex linguistic and grammatical structures to express opinions and feelings as well as to summarise the opinions of others;
- be able to use analytical and expository language to produce written discourse about historical topics;
- have developed research skills to find information from various sources, including dictionary, library and the internet.
Generic skills
At the completion of this subject, students should:
- have acquired more advanced skills necessary for future research (library, internet, cross-references etc.);
- have gained sophisticated analytical tools for understanding the system of language;
- have acquired foundations in intercultural communication practices;
- have acquired written communication skills through writing and seminar discussion;
- be able to show attention to detail through preparation and writing;
- have acquired time management and planning skills through managing and organising workloads for regular (weekly) assignment completion;
- have acquired public speaking skills through tutorial and seminar discussion and class presentations;
- have developed the ability to critically analyse linguistic and cultural differences of the target language and cultures.
Last updated: 14 March 2025