Master of Music (Research) (MR-MUSRES) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
You’re currently viewing the 2023 version of this course
About this course
Principal Coordinator
Miriama Young
Currently Enroled Students:
General Information: Graduate Research Hub
Faculty Specific Information: Fine Arts and Music Current Research Students
Future Students:
Further Information: Faculty of Fine Arts and Music and Study Hub
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Apply the best practices of local, national and international standards in their professional performance in their chosen specialisation;
- Demonstrate specialist knowledge in the area of their research in music;
- Pursue an informed program of independent further study in their chosen area of specialisation in music;
- Provide leadership in the profession in their chosen area of specialisation in music;
- Use current technologies and assimilate the potential of emerging technologies to facilitate and heighten the dissemination of skills, knowledge and information;
- Value and participate in projects requiring team-work;
- Apply the experience gained in their training to the practical needs of society as appropriate.
Generic skills
- An ability to initiate research projects and to formulate viable research questions;
- A demonstrated capacity to design, conduct and report independent and original research on a closely-defined project;
- An ability to manage time to maximise the quality of research;
- An understanding of the major contours of international research in the research area;
- A capacity for critical evaluation of relevant scholarly literature;
- Well-developed and flexible problem-solving abilities appropriate to the discipline;
- The ability to analyse research data within a changing disciplinary environment;
- The capacity to communicate effectively the results of research and scholarship by oral and written communication;
- An understanding of and facility with scholarly conventions in the discipline area;
- A profound respect for truth and intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of research and scholarship;
- A capacity to co-operate with other researchers;
- An ability to manage information effectively, including the application of computer systems and software where appropriate to the student's field of study.
Last updated: 10 November 2023