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Professional Certificate in Educational Neuroscience (PR-EDNEURO) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
You’re currently viewing the 2023 version of this course
About this course
Faculty of Education
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
- Contact Stop 1
Future students:
Principal Coordinator
Sean Kang
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Understand and effectively evaluate education, psychological, and neuroscientific literature relevant to learning;
- Develop a working knowledge of current research in evidence-based learning and teaching strategies;
- Understand essential concepts in neuroscience, including brain structure and function, neural correlates of learning, and cognitive development.
- Comprehend and apply the scientific method to their own professional practice in order to design, deliver, and empirically evaluate learning interventions;
- Understand and apply educational, psychological, and neuroscientific research, particularly in the social, emotional, and interpersonal domains as it applies to student wellbeing, social competence, emotional competence, student safety, and inclusion;
- Understand the theoretical and philosophical implications of the science of learning, particularly with regards to the brain/mind issue and teaching philosophies.
Generic skills
Through completing this course, graduates should develop the following set of key transferable skills:
- Critical/Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving (the ability to critically evaluate scientific literature from a number of academic domains as well as critically evaluate educational programs, systems and products, including commercial offerings that purport to enhance learning);
- Teamwork & Communication Skills (the ability to work with others to develop and present an evaluation of educationally relevant claims and philosophies);
- Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence (as these are core feature of Educational Neuroscience, participants will not only consider these issues in depth, but will reflect on and develop their own philosophies towards these topics); and
- Planning & Written Communication (as students will be allowed to chose and develop specific topics of relevance for their reviews, along with proper scientific literature writing instruction - this will help them develop, plan, and communicate ideas).
Graduate attributes
Through completing this course, graduates should be able to:
- Develop an in-depth knowledge of the latest research concerning the neuroscientific, psychological, and educational underpinnings of learning;
- Develop and implement constructive change in their own professional practices;
- Share emerging knowledge with their learning community in order to impact constructive change in their school environment;
- Meaningfully evaluate and develop pedagogical strategies appropriate to their teaching situation and unique teaching philosophy;
- Reflect on emerging research and consider how nascent ideas may – or may not – be meaningfully implemented in their professional endeavours.
Last updated: 27 August 2024