Technopreneurship and Innovation (ISYS90093)
Graduate courseworkPoints: 12.5Not available in 2023
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About this subject
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This subject asks the question ‘what makes a successful entrepreneur?’ It’s a complex topic and the subject of heated debate in the business, education and the economics communities, and also in discussions of international development, sustainability and social philanthropy. The way we will approach this subject is by looking at the behaviours, attitudes, values and skills that entrepreneurs need to create the climate for successful innovation - whether they are entrepreneurs starting new ventures or ‘Entrepreneurs’ in large organisations. What you will discover in this subject is that innovation isn’t just about having great ideas, and that entrepreneurs aren’t who you think they are. The subject will do this by looking at topics such as how innovation works and how it can be managed, different modes of entrepreneurialism, how entrepreneurs think and how to create, build and sustain an entrepreneurial business.
The subject comprises 5 themes:
- 'Making New Things', a survey of current thinking about innovation and entrepreneurship
- 'The Customers' Point of View', looking at techniques for understanding customers and consumer-led innovation
- 'Everything is Negotiable', including work done at the Harvard negotiation project on win/win negotiation and emotional negotiation
- 'Everyone Needs Help', exploring the ways entrepreneurs create support networks to help them be successful innovation and mentoring
- 'Inspire People' - an examination of the importance of vision and commitment in innovation and entrepreneurship
- The subject involves advanced learning activities including case-based and experiential approaches
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this subject the student is expected to:
- Have developed a sound knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of management practice of Information Systems in Organisations
- Have developed and applied skills in critical thinking and systems analysis to identify, evaluate and/or communicate strategic and operational issues suited to the application of entrepreneurship and innovation concepts and theories to real-world practice
- Have developed and applied skills related to business communication, interpersonal, and team skills suited to the application of entrepreneurship and innovation concepts and theories to real-world practice
- Can demonstrate an understanding of professional codes of conduct and ethical standards as they apply to entrepreneurship and innovation in business practice
- Independently research and argue disparate beliefs/theories of entrepreneurship and innovation
Generic skills
On completion of this subject, students should have developed the following generic skills:
- Report writing
- Oral communication
- Independent learning skills
- Public presentation
- Teamwork
Last updated: 3 July 2024