150pt Program
Master of Cultural Materials ConservationCourse Entry PointYear: 2024
150pt Program
Contact information
Dr Paula Dredge
Email: paula.dredge@unimelb.edu.au
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Currently enrolled students:
- Contact Stop 1
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
Future students:
- Further information: http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/
- Contact: 'Make an enquiry' at http://graduate.arts.unimelb.edu.au/degrees/8-master-of-cultural-materials-conservation
This Masters program provides students with a professional qualification in cultural material conservation and it combines both the theory and practice of cultural material conservation. The program will emphasise the philosophical, intellectual, technical and scientific aspects of cultural material conservation, and will draw on the combined expertise of staff of the Grimwade Centre, the Arts and Science Faculties, and the University of Melbourne Cultural Collections. The program is aimed at students who wish to undertake specialist training in conservation of cultural material for professional qualification purposes. The program does not necessarily lead to higher degree study, however high achieving students may qualify for entry to research higher degrees.
Please note: full-time entry into the 150 point program is dependent on elective subject choices. It is important to note that classes for this course are taught intensively and that teaching for the first unit, CUMC90033 Conservation Materials Science, commences on 17th July 2023, with a pre-teaching period that commences 26th June 2023. Students commencing in Semester 2 2023 therefore need to be enrolled by 26th June 2023. During the pre-teaching period students will be required to access the LMS and the readings provided in order to prepare for the face to face teaching period.
It is strongly recommended that all commencing students have studied chemistry equivalent to 25 points of first year university or else complete the Grimwade Centre Chemistry Bridging Course offered in January or July.
Last updated: 8 November 2024