Tailored specialisation
Informal specialisationYear: 2024
Tailored specialisation
Contact information
Associate Professor Margaret Ayre - School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences
Employers in the environmental sector seek graduates who are able to integrate knowledge across disciplines, collaborate effectively in cross-disciplinary teams, and translate information for different audiences. New areas of environmental specialisation are emerging that require synthesis of knowledge from historically distinct fields, for example combining a knowledge of environmental sustainability with business entrepreneurship, or drawing on knowledge of public health to improve landscape planning processes, or practices that require advanced knowledge of both energy systems and environmental law.
The tailored specialisation is designed to support students to develop skills for integration, collaboration and translation while gaining depth of knowledge in one or more fields of inquiry. The flexible structure enables student to tailor subject selection to meet personal learning objectives, developed in consultation with an academic advisor.
Graduates will work in roles that require translation of knowledge across different specialisations or in emerging ‘boundary crossing’ specialist roles.
Last updated: 7 January 2025