Diploma in Mathematical Sciences (D-MATHSC) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Currently enrolled students:
- General information: https://ask.unimelb.edu.au
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Future students:
- Further information: https://futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au
Christine Mangelsdorf
Intended learning outcomes
Students undertaking the Diploma in Mathematical Sciences concurrently with an undergraduate degree will generally achieve the objectives of the new generation BSc degree, but the following specific outcomes are particular objectives of the Diploma:
- be intellectually curious and apply a rigorous, critical and logical approach to enquiry;
- apply outstanding analytical, quantitative and technical skills to problem solving and, where relevant, design;
- have a set of flexible and transferable skills for different types of employment;
- provide students who would not otherwise have the opportunity, access to professional masters or research-preparation masters programs in mathematics and statistics, while keeping open the pathways associated with the major chosen within the core of their undergraduate degree.
Graduate attributes
The program allows students of high ability to complete the requirements of the major in Mathematics and Statistics (normally available within the BSc) in addition to the major selected for their undergraduate degree. Students with majors in two distinct disciplines will be “knowledgeable across disciplines” as required in the graduate attributes. They will also be prepared for a wider choice of postgraduate coursework and research programs at this and other universities. Refer also to the statement of course ‘Objectives’.
Last updated: 27 February 2025