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Graduate Certificate in Urban and Cultural Heritage (GC-UCH) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
About this course
Stuart King
Melbourne School of Design
Currently enrolled students:
Future students:
- Further information:http://msd.unimelb.edu.au/
- Email: http://msd.unimelb.edu.au
Intended learning outcomes
- Theoretical and applied knowledge in the core issues, histories and methodologies of urban and cultural heritage;
- Understandings of the range of methodological approaches to urban and cultural heritage across academic disciplines and within professional practice;
- Critical engagement with international contemporary practice in urban and cultural heritage as this relates to built environments and the social, cultural, and regulatory economic dimensions of heritage;
- Ability to interpret and analyse complex cross-disciplinary materials relating to heritage in order to develop sustainable and effective strategies to the challenges of heritage within the built and social fabric;
- Understanding of the conceptual and theoretical frameworks that guide urban and cultural heritage practice at national and international levels, and how these may be applied in particular contexts and locations;
- Knowledge of the complexity of heritage management, with particular reference to cross-cultural issues;
- Ability to communicate effectively within cross-disciplinary teams, and to take a holistic approach to urban and cultural heritage in the communication of heritage strategies and applications;
- Capacity to respond with initiative and to build upon key frameworks in relation to new situations and challenges in urban and cultural heritage;
- Ability to respond to the challenges posed by urban and cultural heritage through a cross-disciplinary framework that enables students to execute a substantial research and/or design project.
Generic skills
The Graduate Certificate in Urban and Cultural Heritage is an exit award for the Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage (MC-UCH). The Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage has been specifically designed around the University of Melbourne postgraduate coursework graduate attributes and the preparation of students to work in a professional heritage setting. The course will incorporate research-led teaching, problem-based collaborative learning, cross-disciplinary approaches to heritage methodology and theoretical approaches, engagement with professional experts, and a diverse student cohort. Graduates of the Master of Urban and Cultural Heritage will have high-level intellectual, analytical and communication capabilities enabling them to demonstrate leadership, a commitment to life-long learning, and integrity in professional heritage practice.
Graduate attributes
Please refer to University of Melbourne graduate attributes located here.
Last updated: 8 November 2024