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Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (GD-BUSANA) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
You’re currently viewing the 2024 version of this course
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this course, graduates should be able to:
- Identify appropriate analytic techniques to address business problems - Students will translate business decision problems into quantitative form. - Students will diagnose a situation and identify appropriate applications of statistical models, data mining and optimisation techniques
- Apply analytical skills and technical methods to develop innovative solutions in business contexts - Students will investigate data structures relevant to business environments and problems - Students will appropriately apply and synthesise key analytics models and techniques to resolve business problems
- Integrate the knowledge and skills acquired to conduct research in an industry setting - Students will appropriately select one or more advanced analytical techniques to apply to a business setting with real data
- Deal with ambiguity and uncertainty - Students will make appropriate judgements about how to proceed in an environment with incomplete information - Students will identify and be able to deal with ambiguities and bias in data.
Generic skills
- Communication and presentation skills
- Negotiation skills
- Influencing skills
- Working in teams
Graduate attributes
- Discipline knowledge and skills
- Business analytical skills
- Teamwork and communication skills
- Creative and critical thinking
- Problem solving skills
Last updated: 8 November 2024