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Professional Certificate in Treaty (PR-TREATY) // Attributes, outcomes and skills
You’re currently viewing the 2024 version of this course
About this course
Principal Coordinator
Sarah Maddison
Email: continuing-education@unimelb.edu.au
Phone: + 61 3 8344 0149
Contact hours: https://unimelb.edu.au/professional-development/contact-us
Intended learning outcomes
On completion of this program, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate in-depth theoretical understandings and historical and contemporary knowledge of research, debates, policies and practices in treatied relations and treaty processes with First Nations, from local to global perspectives and varied contexts.
- Critically analyse and reflect on key concepts of Indigenous sovereignty and Indigenous settler relations and role of treaties in agreement-making and treaty negotiations.
- Critically examine and apply the concepts of recognition, reconciliation and refusal in Indigenous settler relations.
- Critically examine and apply the concepts of self-determination, Indigenous nation building and data sovereignty related to the practice of treaty making.
- Evaluate contemporary and emerging principles of treaty processes with First Nations and Indigenous governance principles in Australia for treaty decision-making and treaty-making practices.
Generic skills
- Access and appreciate national and international debates in Indigenous politics and treaty
- The capacity for independent critical thought and inquiry
- The ability to engage in self-directed learning
- Enhanced ability to communicate ideas effectively in both written and verbal formats; and
- Analytical and problem-solving skills
Last updated: 8 November 2024